Chapter 2

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I watch as students fill into my room and twiddle my thumbs. I remember to breathe

deep, trying to calm down. I watch the students to try and understand them more. I can already

tell the difference between all the 'cliques'. There were some kids in the corner who seemed like

the gossipers, some kids in the front who seemed to be 'cool nerds' and then a wide array of

people who obviously got separated from their clique.

I stand in front of them all and smile softly. "Hello, class. I'm glad to be able to teach you

this year. My name is Ms. Withers." As I speak, I slowly start gaining confidence again. "And I

know this is overused, but I really do wanna give you guys the opportunity to not only get to

know me, but know each other. So here's what we're going to do, write down three of your

favorite things, and then three of your favorite songs. I don't mind if the song itself has cursing

in it, but if the name has cursing, please don't actually say the word. You have five minutes!"

I watch as students start pulling out notebooks and writing, asking their friends for advice

on what to write. So far, so good.

Once the five minutes have passed, I call on some random students to share their


I point at a student dressed in a goth style, but pink. They look at me, shocked, but

breathe in deeply before speaking

"Umm, my name's Ophelia. I like crystals, diet pepsi, and literature.." As they pause, I

hear someone cough out the words 'wrist check'

It's obvious that they hear, because they get quiet and mutter, "That's all.."

I look at the kid who did it, and before you get on me about pointing fingers, it was

obvious that he did it, because his friend gave him a high five and he has a proud look on his


"Adam, right?" He nods, still proud of himself. "Get out."

His face drops as Ophelia looks at me and smiles, "B-b-but, Ms. Withers!"

"No buts. If you think that you're being funny, how about you tell that joke to the

principal, in her office."

The whole class is quiet as he picks up his stuff and walks out.

"I'm so sorry you guys had to witness that." I say, sighing. "So.. who wants to go



As class is ending, Ophelia walks up to my desk.

"Um.. thank you for standing up for me today, I really appreciate it." They stand there

awkwardly, and I smile

"Of course! You have lunch, right? Wanna eat with me?"

Their eyes light up and they smile, "of course! It'll be nice to eat with someone for once."

We talk about random things, especially school as they sit across from me, eating a

sandwich, some grapes and a diet pepsi.

"So, do you like school?" I ask, taking a bite of pasta leftovers.

"Some classes, like English, but not really." They say, looking at the ground.

"Oh? What's your least favorite?"

"Science. I like the teacher, he's cool, but the subject itself makes me feel stupid, and so

I normally just end up skipping." They sigh

"Hmm.." I say, thinking, "Would it help if we talked to your teacher together? You guys

have a pretty long lunch break, I'm sure we have time. I do encourage it so you can get better."

They think about it, and then nod shyly, "Yeah, I really wanna do good this school year,

since A) it's my last, and B) I wanna get into a good college."

I smile, "That's the spirit! Go ahead and walk me to your class!" I say, enthusiastically,

trying to make this seem easy.

They walk me two doors down, and then knock on the door. We hear a gruff "come in."

When I open the door, my smiles drops for just a moment when I see HIS face.. that rude

faculty member! But I quickly smile again and gently push Ophelia in.

"Oh, Ophelia." He smiles lightly, "Hey, kiddo. Everything okay?"

I have to be honest, seeing him being so kind to them makes me smile, he may be a jerk,

but at least he's kind to his students.

"Hi Mr. Simmons.." They say shyly, and then look up at me for help.

I walk up to his desk with them and smile at him, "Sorry to bug, I know it's our planning

period and all, but Ophelia was wondering if there was something you guys could do to help

make your class easier for them."

I can already tell that he doesn't seem pleased by my presence, but he's sucking it up for

Ophelia. I can relate to that.

"I'm sure I could figure something out. Are you free after school some days?" He says,

smiling at them.

"I think so.. not Thursdays though."

"How about this, on tuesdays, since we have quizzes every wednesday, I'll go over

the materials with you, and that way you have the opportunity to get all the stuff in your thinker,

and hopefully you'll still be able to pass!"

They both smile as Ophelia nods, excited.

Ophelia rushes out of the classroom as the bell rings, leaving me there, alone with him.

"So.. when's your planning period?" I ask

His smile drops as he looks at me, "Now."

"Good. I need to talk to you."


Author pronouns: They/It

Twitter: RoweenieSlays

Word count: 906

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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