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YEAR 2017

It was raining heavily with occasional lightning, accompanied by a powerful storm that was raging. In the midst of this tempest stood the Sanperes Institute for the most dangerous and insane criminals who had ever terrorized Central City. The building was intentionally constructed to hold all kinds of criminals, from common ones like the Trickster to those with powers like Mark Mardon, and even the worst and most dangerous ones. The atmosphere of that place could be felt from a distance, and it was truly terrifying.

Then a streak of orange lightning arrived, revealing the Flash, dressed in his suit, soaked by the rain (imagine the Season 4 suit with the red emblem). He sighed and clenched his fists, making his way towards the institute's main entrance.

 He sighed and clenched his fists, making his way towards the institute's main entrance

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Flash spotted two guards maintaining security. They nodded at Flash, who nodded back at them. He entered the institute and saw Joe West waiting for him to visit a certain person.

"Can you tell me why we're here?" Joe demanded, following Flash closely down the corridor where the person they wanted to speak with was located. "Listen, he's been in custody for a year, and if what we found out today is true, if it really was him who did—"

"If he confesses. That's just like him, and he loves to brag about what he does," Flash replied simply, continuing to walk with Joe following closely.

"He's insane. It's a mistake to think we know what he'll do next," Joe said, filled with fear about what this person he and Barry were looking for was planning.

As they walked, they could see the names of prisoners on each cell, including Hunter Zolomon, Edward Claris, James Jesse, Mark Mardon, Grodd, Julian Albert, August Heart, among others.

Flash entered another corridor, with Joe following him until they stopped at one of the cells. A guard was waiting for them, and Joe nodded to him, receiving a nod in return, allowing Flash to pass.

 A guard was waiting for them, and Joe nodded to him, receiving a nod in return, allowing Flash to pass

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"I didn't come because of what we found out today. I came because I need to be here," Flash said as he entered the cell. He saw a person with an energy dampening device on their ankle to prevent them from using their powers, sitting in the shadows, their face hidden. But Barry knew exactly who it was.

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