Part 2: Chapter 13

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Cerus didn't show up for a few weeks. Things almost seemed normal until I saw him walking up to Poppy and I on our way to beasts class. He was leaning on a tree but stood up and hurried to us when he spotted us.

"Ava," he waved. "I think I know who did it."

"Huh?!" I said a little too loud.

"The person who tried to kill me." He had a huge smile on his face, "I'm going to go back to my time and confront them."

I let out a relieved breath, "oh, yeah. You should do that." Anything to get him out of this time.

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm hoping I'll get to come visit you again." I felt so un easy. I remembered how he had basically confessed the other day and I was not having it.

"Maybe one day," was all I could get out.

"Thank you for everything."

He waved at Poppy and took off probably to the arch way in the restricted section. Poppy and I looked after him in silence.

"That was a very anticlimactic exit of him." Poppy mumbled.

"Merlin, I hope he doesn't find out it was me..." I thought to myself out loud.

Poppy glanced at me but accepted it right away. "Well, let's hope he doesn't."



I closed my booklet for my last NEWT and allowed my head to lay on my desk making sure it made a loud enough sound that it got a couple chuckles from some of the other 7th years.

"It's not that funny." Sharp pulled the booklet out from under my head and opened it making sure everything was answered. "Oh dear.."

"What?!" I looked up quickly.

"Nothing, you are free to go for the rest of the day. Good work."

"Fucking ass," I muttered under my breath as I gathered my belongings.

I glanced over at Sebastian who was a few rows over looking like he was struggling slightly. He looked up at me with a pleading look. All I could do was give him the 'V' sign I had learned In America in the 20s. Now that I think about, I'm pretty sure it's meaning isn't as nice here in the UK. He looked at me confused since he didn't know the meaning so I just rolled my eyes and began to leave.

"How are you done already?" Garreth whispered as I walked by. "You barely were in class!"

"Weasley!" Sharp warned.

I smiled and began to skip out of the Great Hall making sure all my friends could see me. I turned and gave them all a dramatic curtsy making a few start clapping.

"Out, La Fey!" Sharp yelled making me jump and run out the door.

As I walked out Professor Weasley stood outside the doors waiting for me with a smile. "How do you think you did Miss La Fey."

"I feel I actually did a lot better then expected. But I'm not planning on taking any ministry jobs. I'm not really sure what I want to do."

Weasley smiled, "that's actually why I'm here. Headmaster Black has requested I come gather you for a meeting in his office with me and him."

"I didn't cheat."

"I don't believe you would even if you could."

We entered Black's office and he was sitting at his desk reading a letter as an owl flew out of the open window. "Ah, La Fey! I have two things I need to speak with you about. I did have one thing but some rather unfortunate news just came in." He pointed to the chairs in front of the desk. "Please sit."

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