Chapter 29

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Marcia's POV
I walked up to John and took his suit, he rushed upstairs and Paul changed into one of his other suits that he had brought with him. John rushed back down and I gave him his suit to put in the laundry room for me to sew later.

I put Paul's suit in the wash and his white shirt in some bleach and then we all met up again back at the stair case.

"She's asking to many questions" I stressed

"Like what?" Paul questioned

"Well she's asking why were doing all of this now, and I have to keep making up lies to prevent her from finding out" I hissed

"Look who's stressed now?" John chuckled

"I'm pregnant John, this is harder on me then anyone" I felt warm and sweaty, like I was about to faint

"Sit down, we don't need you fainting on us now" John said helping me sit, then he sat next me me

"Did she ask about the wedding?" Paul asked sitting on the other side of me

"She said something like, "my wedding isn't today" and I just bit my lip trying to talk to her and make her stay, then you two showed up" I sighed crossing my arms

"Everything is going to pay off in the end" John said softly as his kissed my cheek and rubbed my stomach

"How are we going to convince her to come then?" Paul asked

"I have an idea, but you two are going to have to cooperate" I ordered

"We'll try" John sighed

"You better" I said sternly

Starting with plan A...
Written by Hannah

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