~1~ The Fight 😨💔 (angst)

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it was anothe rlovely day in south prick. As you can tell, tweek and craig have been in love for some time, but one day they got into.. a fight 😱😱😱😱





"WHATHTHE DFUCK IS WEONG WITH YO UCRSIAG?!?!!11111" twinkies yelled for absolutely zero reason, besides the fact that crackhead craigslist had taken weeks last coffee and made a cup of it for himself. 

That was very very sad because creg had drunken the last cup, and he didn't relaize that that was the very very last one. Twek was trying to get hus mind off of cofe because he drinsksk it too much1! 

"IT WAS REVENGE FOR STEARLING STIRPE!111" crinkle screamsd. "I NEEDED HIM FOR A SSICNSE PROJECT YOU STUOID" terwk screreched back. They screamed at each other for some many minutes, and in no time they sounded like the things from juracisc parak.

"I CANT BELVIE YOU CRITG, I HATE YIGH" twitter finaly said. crig took this very seriously. He was super very offenddinged, and so he decided to fight,.

They started by shoveing each other. They tumbld down the stairz and then they busted the door down (I don't know whose house they were in, fogiver me) and they agressiuvly fighted.

"I I REALLY HALTE YOU" tinskw said as he ocuned crignx in the balls.

"GO FUCKCYOURSELF" cringe said, flipping him off

The Asian girls watched and they started to draw some very weird indescribable yoai art of twekdn and croc. They squeelsed as the boys still fighted. "Omg lets make a watpoad fanfic of this!!!111" one of them said. "YEAHAHHHH" the other girls said. (Totally not what I'm doing right now heheh)

They were lucky theta the boys did not hear them say anything, because they were too busy fighting of course you silly?!!11 

A few hours of kikcing balls and agressive fighting later . . .  twisnk and crifjg got tired and they went back into the hiuse.

"I I I I  im ssoorryr honeyd" corgi said, apologizing to twerk.

"w whwatecer" teirnk Said, crossing his arms.

"ILL BUY YOUR MORE COFEEE !!!!1111!122!" he said. "WAIT DRALLLY?!1?" 

"hell yeah I'll go get you some" crafg said. And so, they made up and they kiesedd (mwah mwah mwaashhh chuuu kissing making out noises) and they did that for quite a while.

And then cridicjk and twddkck wnet out to get more cofee!!!111 and teiernkw gave stirp back to crifnvgg!11 THE END MEGA HAPPY ENDING

because (almost) all tweek and craig stories end in an (almost) happy ending.




AN: HOLY SHIT THAT WAS MY FIRST TWEEKXCRAIG ONESHOT GYAYAHHHHHHH!! Do you want any requests? I'll be more than happy to try and write them! 

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