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A hand engulfed in blue flames.

A yellow figure.

One eye that saw everything.

Dipper Pines shot up in his bed, a cold sweat clinging to his skin.

"It's just a dream." He told himself over and over again. Until his breathing slowed down and his heart wasn't beating so loudly in his ears anymore.

It was nothing of a rare occasion of waking up with Bill on his mind. But most of the time he would watch every shadow, notice every little movement. Sometimes he would wake Mabel, his sister, who would try to calm him down. If he let her, she would give him the biggest hug, if not, she would just sit there, keeping him company, helping him breath and remember.

Sometimes it was Mabel who would wake up, her eyes filling with tears as she scrambles out of her bed and to the other side of the room where Dipper would lay in his own. She had to make sure that he was okay, that he did not hurt him.

And every time they will sit together in their room, not able to fall back asleep again, the memories of him never really fading away. Even though they knew, he could not harm them ever again, they had defeated him, there were times when the twins would look over their shoulders more often than necessary.

After some time, light was flooding their room, the sun showing at the horizon. The twins, sitting on Dipper's bed, shoulder to shoulder, looked at each other and, without needing to say a word, got up. They started their morning routine as they always did, as any other would, then went into the kitchen.

It wasn't long until they prepared breakfast for everyone. Although two portions were put into the refrigerator, as they knew their parents wouldn't wake up for another two hours.

The twins' parents had conflicted feelings when the two returned from Gravity Falls. It was as if their children were completely different from when they left to visit their great uncle Stan.

Mabel was a sweet girl, one of the optimistic and good kids. But when she came home, she was more of a rowdy and her parents even caught her lying. It took them as a surprise, they thought they never had heard their daughter do such thing. Another thing was the pig that she had with her. The parents were against keeping it at first but the way the twins reacted, specifically Mabel, at even the possibility of losing her pet, nearly broke their hearts. And they didn't even want to know where she got a grappling hook.

Dipper, though, was a whole other concern. He had always been a little weak, a classic nerd even, not that they would ever say that to his face. Then he came back, he was confident, protective of his sister, but also a lot more easily scared. The first few months after they returned the screams of their son, in the middle of the night, woke them from their peaceful sleep. But at the time they got to the twins' room, Mabel had already calmed him down. When the parents asked what had happened, they hesitated for a second before Mabel told them: "It was a Nightmare."

They had understood that the change in scenery, coming back home after the whole summer break away, could do that, but it kept happening.

When it didn't stop after almost three months, they decided that they should contact a child therapist. They stated how their children had changed, that not only Dipper, but Mabel too, had those horrible nightmares that woke them up, screaming for dear life.

It took a while but finally the twins would see a therapist.

The problem then was that neither of them talked. How could they? If the two would tell anyone what they experienced in Gravity Falls, they feared being put away in some facility and labelled as crazy. So, they sat there, having a starring contest with the therapist and left when the time was up.

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