there exists a world

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"there exists a world that you can only reach between 3:30 and 3:33 a.m.

before you travel, i must advise you of a few rules."

my phone illuminated most of my face in the dark of night, as i scrolled through tiktok. it takes a lot to capture my attention with a tiktok, and this particular video was intriguing. "please enlighten me of these rules," i whispered sarcastically at my phone. 

"rule number 1

no matter how lovely they are, do NOT pick the flowers. if you do, you'll never get rid of them.

rule number 2

if you see a tall man with no face, just keep walking. whatever you do, don't stop to look at him...

rule number 3

if someone offers you the tea, politely decline and keep walking. if they follow you, RUN. anything is better than drinking the tea..

and rule number 4, the most important of them all

wear a watch at all times. time is weird there..and if you don't have a clock on you

time will warp into nothingness and you won't know when to leave.

that's all, safe travels!"

"hm," i hummed in curiosity, saving the video to my gallery. and at the time, i thought nothing more of the video. it was just another weirdcore thing posted on tiktok for people's enjoyment, no?

there was something about this tiktok that made me come back to it more than once. and..while i did want to at least attempt to reach this world, i didn't have what is necessary. 

that would change one day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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