Chaos and Noise

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In the realm of existence, a battle unfolds,
Life's unending struggle, tales yet untold.
A dance of shadows and lights intertwined,
Where courage and fortitude are defined.

From the moment we're born, we enter the fray,
Engaged in a quest that lasts every day.
For life is a battlefield, fierce and profound,
Where victories and defeats can both be found.

The battlefields differ, unique for us all,
Some fight with illness, others with walls.
Emotional wars, where hearts are at stake,
Or battles of dreams, where risks we must take.

In the depths of despair, when darkness prevails,
We search for the light, like ships with torn sails.
Through trials and tribulations, we trudge,
Striving for solace, refusing to budge.

Yet, in the chaos and noise, listen closely,
For whispers of hope sing ever so softly.
The battles we face shape who we become,
They forge our spirits, make us fearless and strong.

Though scars may linger and wounds may not heal,
We march on relentlessly, with nerves of steel.
For even when weary, we'll rise from the dust,
With resilience intact, we'll continue to trust.

Life's unending battle may drain our might,
But within us burns an eternal fight.
We stand as warriors, brave and unyielding,
Defying the odds, our spirits unwavering.

So let us march forward, hearts filled with fire,
Embrace the struggle, never tire.
For in this battle, the essence of life,
We find our purpose, amidst the strife.

And as we wage on, day after day,
Remember, dear warrior, you'll find a way.
For in the depths of your soul, you'll discover,
The strength to endure, to fight and recover.

In life's unending battle, you'll rise above,
With unwavering courage, fueled by love.
And when the final trumpet sounds its call,
You'll stand triumphant, having conquered it all.

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