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(Maleb is a ship at my school)
Also this is a colab with MissMiah_221B go follow her!!
Caleb glanced up from his math work to find a new kid sitting next to the trouble makers, Fluffy and Isaac.

With Flisaac making a racket he could not concentrate, so he decided upon studying the new kid (or what he could see of him).

Math flew by quickly, as Caleb enjoyed it immensely, and before he knew it he was sitting alone at lunch.

Caleb was about to get up to throw his trash away when he was approached by an unfamiliar face

"Hey can I sit with you"

Caleb didn't want to be rude, so he stayed sitting.


There was an akward science for a while before Miah walked up.

"Max, can I have a fruit rollup?"

"Uum, I guess." Max replied

Max handed the short and awkward girl the sugary treat, but instead of returning to her giggling friends, she sat down.

"So, I was wondering if you were free on Friday?"

"I'm 13, Miah."

"And so am I..."

"I'm not allowed to date."

(This is what the actual Miah said..."Maybe you should mention that I don't actually like Max in that way")


When miah returned to her table, Max was bombarded with collective dirty looks from Rachel, Nydia, Tara, and Flisaac.

Clearly seeing that Max was flooded with guilt and embarrassment, Caleb decided to start small talk.

"Maybe we can hang on Friday?"

"Yeah sure, but if you end up spending the weekend I have to go to church on Sunday," Max replied

"Oh, I go to church too!"

Then, almost in complete unison, the boys exclaimed...

"I hate chruch!"

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