Sleepin' over

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In last period Caleb, of course, did his science project alone, but today he didn't mind. He was too lost in the excitement to realize that he was alone. The teacher must have noticed because not long after he tried to begin his project, Mr.Ruybal strolled past and asked what was wrong. But then of course Caleb only responded that he was "just a bit tired."

But, in fact, he was exactly the opposite. He wouldnt be able to sleep even he took 1,000 sleeping pills. For some reason he just kept on thinking about after school. It wasnt until then, that he realized he was actually terrified.

What if I say something stupid?

What if his parents don't like me?

Wait, okay, Caleb calm down. You sound like you're his boyfriend and finally getting to meet your parents-in-law

The bell rang and Caleb headed to lunch, which is when he was accompanied by his new friend.

"I-I don't think I can go.."

"What? Why?" Max replied

What was he doing, and why?

"Caleb,why can't you go?"


"If you didn't want to go you could have just said something."

Well, so if you aren't that much into feels then don't read the next part because its going to be pretty depressing....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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