steal it,steal the gun

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It was a peaceful day you where laying in yours and ghosts shared bed just chilling out reading whatever you where reading.your legs propped up close to you holding the book,there was a nightstand that had a lamp it also had your two CZ75's laying on top if it ,ghosts AAC Honey Badger propped up on the side you looked over at the nightstand or well more of his gun,you've never used his gun before mainly your own.Ghost was in the shower after a long day with task force 141,so with him distracted you decided you wanted to try out his closed your book quietly and got out of bed and took his gun not before leaving you wrote a small note saying that you went out to the shooting range you also took one of your guns along with his and went out towards the door and them walked to the shooting range,while also shooting some zombies that where coming towards you.after a while you had got to the shooting range and put your gun in its holder of your belt.

You steadied yourself with his gun you shot the moving targets almost hitting the bullseye everytime but not entirely just maybe 3 or 4 rings away.This one you did hit right in the center you celebrated in your head the range Master congratulated you along with the other people that where there after a few more targets you switched to your gun and began to shoot the targets only this time hitting the bullseye becuase it was more easier for you with your contuied to shoot targets after that every now and then switching your guns
------back with ghost-----
He had finally gotten out of the shower about fifteen to twenty minutes had passed by he dried off and put on his clothes and walked out of the bathroom seeing that you where no longer in bed and also seeing his gun missing along with one of yours he looked at the note and it read "I'm out at the shooting range and if your wondering where eyour gun is I have it.ill be out for a few maybe couple of you<3" after he read the note he was beginning to get passed off causeway didn't ask if you could use his gun you just took it and left without saying anything to him.He grabbed your gun he dosent like using yours cuase he's a snipper not a Clos range gun person.he went out of yalls room and out the door and went to the range also shooting and stabbing zombies that came close by after a few minutes he finally reached the shooting range and busted in.He paced torwads you and placed a hand on your shoulder and turned you around and looked at you,just by looking at him you knew he was pissed off at you."oh,Hi hun I see you got my note."you said looking at him with a slight smile on your face."yes I did and don't appreciate that you took my gun without telling me or asking me ethier not even letting me know that you where going out."he said his voice being stern."well you where in the shower and I felt like going to the shooting range to shoot something,and I didn't want to bother you so I just went ahead and left"you stated almost in "matter if factly" tone,you knew what you said would piss him off even more so you took his gun and put yours back jucked him and began running as fast as you could there was some buildings and there was a ladder on one of the you climbed it and then began hopping roofs eventually he caught up to you grabbed you jumped off the buliding and yall went back home.
I got lazy torwads the end XD but have this

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