Found love♥A langston love story chapter 1

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A/N: Xoxo by The Rangers on the side c: Perf? I think so c: play it while reading the chapter c: (On almost every chapter. )


Chapter 1

Langston pov

Ever sence I seen that girls pic her name is kayla it said we sourced for her and si wasent goanna stop till I found her its somthing she is to beautiful to pass up

Julian:found her!!!!!

Day day:finly we done just add her Facebook and be over with it

Me:stfu *looking at pics*she is just gorguse what should I do

Julian:inbox her stupied

Me:ok*inbox her:heyy gorguse u don't know me but I'm Langston.

Kayla's Pov

I'm just at home with my baby sisters ever sence my mom died she BEN like my daughter (: so I'm chilling and get a inbox on Facebook the boy is really cute so I inboxed him back

Our convo

Him:heyy gorguse u don't know me but I'm Langston.

Me:hi I'm kayla

Him:Ik this is very wired but I would love to get 2 know u more

Me:it's ok u kinda cute(:

They have Ben talking for 5 months Langston is starting to like her more and more fall in love even (: he haven't asked her out yet but he is really hopeing 2 get her as his


Ben talking and getting to know her more and more she is amazing we on oovoo now

Me:how was your day?(:

Kayla:long and bussy but.....talking 2 U makes it better c:

Me:I Ben wanting to ask if u would wanna be my girl friend?(:

Kayla:....yes(: but we so far away ?

Me:we can talk err day like we do and oovoo and all u just to spechiel to let go(:

Kayla:ok (:

Mariel:*walks on Kayla's room**sisey I can't sleep):

Kayla:ok lay with me (:

Mariel:*gets in the bed with her*hii Langston (:👋

Me:hii lil mama (:

Kayla:well night night Lang ttyl(:

Me:good night baby (:*hangs up call*

Kayla pov

Next day (: I woke up felling happy and in love he is just amazing (:

Mariel:I tired dont wanna go to grandmas 😔😔

Me:u can stay here then

Mariel:*looking at music **isent this Langston? He. Is famous

Me:no he say he just regular boy ?*looks*it is him? Why did he lie bout his life ??

TBC .....

Why did he lie?:

Found love❤: A Langston Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now