Niall POV

"I'm not gonna get a hello?!" I shouted and huffed when they just continued to eat their breakfast. Until Harry spoke.

"Niall what did I say about using the spare key?" Harry said in a raspy low voice which made me shiver.

AHHHH what was it... Uh number one to use it for... uh.. woah Nandos sounds so good right now.

"Uh... number one.... Can we get Nandos later?" I changed the subject real fast because he knew I didn't know the answer. Louis starts giggling. I blush in embarrassment.

"No, Niall the first rule is to use it for only for emergencies." Harry stated. I mentally facepalmed myself. Duh! Why didn't I think of that?! It's all my stomachs fault! Why do you always have to be so hungry?

I sat down on the couch. I turned on the golf channel as I heard Harry and Louis washing their dishes and giggling.


What now?! Jeez let me have peace and quie- OH! It's paynoooooo.

Payno: Niall where are you?!

Nialler: I'm at Larry Stylinson's house why?

Payno: Larry Styli- smh

Payno: Whatever anyways

Payno: we are supposed to meet at my house to work out you know the E.

Nialler: We were?


I closed my phone and dashed outside. "BYE LARRY STYLINSON!" I yelled out before slamming the door shut.

Louis POV

"Larry Stylinson?" I questioned but as soon as I snapped out of my thoughts Harry smudges soap across my face. I gasped and made bubbles in the sink and placed it on head. I watched it as it fell to the ground.

After me and Harry finished cleaning up we went to the park.

I wore a plain white shirt and some black skinny jeans with a denim jacket. Brushed my hair with my comb and I was ready.

I was waiting on our bed for Haz. Harry wore a black hoodie with denim shorts that stopped at his knees.

"Ahhh! Hazza look at the dogs here!" I squealed. "They are so cute! I want a doggie!" I pouted. I started to pull the puppy eyes face.

"Awww Boo bear we can get one after uh... Never mind just wait." Harry stuttered. I pulled a questioned look as I watch Harry's eyes looked somewhere else.

Me and Harry walked around the park occasionally picking the flowers from the grass. I held the flowers tight to my chest.

"Can we sit here and make a flower crown?" I pointed at the ground under a tree. "Of course Boo bear." Harry's dimpled smile was back. Harry kisses my cheek as I struggled to tie the flower together.

Harry POV

I watched as Lou struggled to tie the flowers together. I let out a laugh. Louis looked at me with a pout and pink cheeks.

"Do you need help boo bear?" Louis nodded as I kissed his pink cheeks. I managed to make the flower crown. I finished it and carefully put in on boo bear's head.

Louis did his little smirk he does. (This face :>) When I put the flower crown on his head.

"Yay! Thanks Hazza!" Louis squealed and kissed my lips. I blushed as Louis smiled so big. His smile was my weakness it's so beautiful. The way his eyes crinkle when he smiles and that one dimple pops out.

Zayn POV

"Niall did you get the right flowers?!" Niall quickly shoved flowers into my hands. "No! Niall this isn't the right kind I specifically told you to get this kind!" I pointed at the image on my phone.

"Well I'm sorry mister I'm so perfect Malik." He blabbered. "Well thanks I am perfect. But go to the store and buy this kind!" I yelled. I see Niall run out the front door and to his car.

"Hey Zaynie is this the right kind of cake you wanted?" Liam asked. He was so beautiful the perfect chocolate brown eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. "Yes Liam thank you!" I said as I kissed his cheek. Liam's cheeks started to turn a light shade of pink.

2 hours later

Niall runs back to the house with a bunch of flowers. "Is this good enough?" Niall said out of breath. "Yes! Finally Niall thank you so much!"

"Liam did you book the place for Friday?" I asked. "Yes! I did it is such of perfect spot."

This is going to be perfect for those two.

Heyyy I think I know where this is going. How did you like the chapter? Tell me in the comments or message me if I need to fix any grammar mistakes!

730 words?! Wow who knew I could write so much! (794 words now)

Hope you have an amazing day/night

Samantha x

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