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"You want to throw a party? For the quarter?"

"Yes. For everyone."

"Even the colore-" Her mother asked, before being interrupted.

"Yes even them. I want everyone to be there!"

"You're talking like a child." He snapped at her, before she quieted down. He set his drink down before taking his napkin and wiping his lips "Maxine you should be ashamed of yourself. Asking such a thing." He said before standing up.

"But father I-"

"Enough Maxine!" He yelled, making her jump a bit. "If you want this party you will not have those, criminals, there!" He yelled, before Maxine tilted her head down.

"But father-"

"What Maxine?! For the life of us what?!" He yelled, before Maxine had enough of him.

"I'm seeing a man! A colored man! A man who makes me happy!" She screamed, and upon hearing this her mother let out a gasp.

"Maxine!"Her mother said, shocked.

"It's true! I want him there, and all of his family! I want everyone there! The entire world! I need every one in this town to know who I am, and that I'm not like you!" She screamed, pointing to her father. With two long strides, he was in front of her in an instant and a harsh slap was heard.

"You will not raise your voice at me in my home! You will take whatever the maid gives you, and you will leave! You are not to come back to this house ever again." He said sternly, looking down at her. Maxine stood silent, tears streaming down her face.

It goes without saying, Maxine left with little of her belongings that night, and never stepped foot on her parents property again.

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"Please Y/n, I need this job. I can't live on my own, daddy cut me out of the family account, and now the bank won't let me take money." Maxine pleaded to Y/n, sitting in her apartment. Y/n sipped her tea casually, not speaking much.

"Maxine you do realize this is voodoo. Once you get caught in this, there is no going back." Y/n said, lighting a cigarette. Maxine nodded furiously, clasping her hands together.

"Yes, I fully understand. Please Y/n, I need this job." Maxine pleaded again, before Y/n blew out the smoke, waving her hand.

"Fine. You start tomorrow. That's the first day the shop opens. I can't guarantee the locals will be pleased with the shop but you'll manage." Y/n said standing before grabbing her cane.

"Thank you so much! Oh thank you thank you!" Maxine said happily, before Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Don't thank me yet." She said before Maxine ignored her, pulling her into a hug.

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" So that's why you work there." Alastor said taking a sip of his drink. It was late, and the two were out for dinner. Maxine refused to tell Y/n her 'romantic' affair with Alastor. She'd never hear the end of it. So she resorted to meeting him
in secret. This would do for now.

"Yes, precisely. Though it shouldn't be a bother really. Hardly anyone comes in. You're mothers a kind woman by the way." Maxine said before Alastor laughed. Maxine blushed furiously.

"That she is. Ah~, my mother hadn't a clue you were the woman I was seeing." He said, and Maxine felt her heart sink. " In fact, she'd assumed I would have been romantically involved with that friend of yours, Y/n was it?" He said, before Maxine nodded solemnly, taking her glass in her hand and drinking some. She had preferred wine, while Alastor was drinking whisky.

"Oh that's quite the guess." Maxine said, forcing a smile onto her face. Alastor nodded, his eyes drifting to some of the flappers, who were waving at him seductively. The last thing on his mind was the girl in front of him, more or less which girl he would take home tonight. His date or the dancers.

"Oh yes it is my dear!" He said, just as the band began to play some lively music, standing. He grabbed her hand, pulling her with him before they walked to the dance floor.

"Alastor, people are staring." Maxine said in a hushed tone before Alastor laughed.

"Let them! They must want a show." He said with a smile, before spinning her.

That was the first time Maxine had felt genuine love from a man. Even if he hadn't meant it. It felt real to her, and maybe that was the saddest part of it all. It never was real.

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"What happened?" Maxine asked, rubbing the side of her head. Across from her was Josefa, bottles in hand as she began cleaning things up.

"You've just been cleansed. Congratulations Maxine, you've just had your soul tied with another spirit." Josefa said sadly, before Maxine's eyes widened.

"W-what? Where's Y/n? She can fix this cant she?" Maxine asked desperately, looking around the basement.

"Unfortunately she was the one who called to me for help. Take some medicine, Y/n should know which ones to give you." Josefa said, before handing Maxine a rosary. "Wear this, it should help with the nightmares." Josefa said, and Maxine nodded in understanding.

"A-alright. What time is it?" Maxine asked, before Josefa checked her watch.

"Almost seven in the morning. Took us all night." Josefa said with a snort, for Maxine frowned.

"I see. Is it alright if I go home?" Maxine asked, before Josefa nodded.

"Of course. Y/n came by a few hours ago, slid the key under the door. She said she would most likely forget we were down here." Josefa said rolling her eyes. "She clearly didn't care about the risks that would bring. But alas you're alright." Josefa said with a smile, before opening the door for her.

"Thank you Josefa, really." Maxine said, before Josefa stopped.

"You know my name?" Josefa said, before Maxine giggled.

"Of course I do. I heard you speaking before." Maxine said with a grin, before leaving, walking up the stairs to the shop. " I was possessed not gone." Maxine said before leaving. Josefa froze, before staring at the chair she had been on. The bindings had been loose yes, her thrashing about would have caused that. But how did she remember that? The spirit had full control, she didn't.

'Unless, it never left in the first place.' Josefa thought.

word count: 1071

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