Chapter 1

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As Akiro walks to school, he can't help but observe the beauty of the natural world around him. He sees the way the leaves on the trees rustle in the wind, and the way the birds flit from branch to branch. He notices the way the sun rises in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over everything it touches. As he takes in these sights, he feels a sense of peace and wonder wash over him. With each step, he becomes more attuned to the rhythms of nature, and he feels grateful to be a part of such a wondrous world. 

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm, golden glow over everything in its path. The trees were alive with the songs of birds, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. Lost in thought, Akiro suddenly bumped into something soft. Looking up, he saw a girl with long, flowing hair and sparkling eyes staring back at him with a smirk on her face. "Well, well," she teased, "watch where you're going, clumsy." The boy felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as the girl laughed and walked away.

Akiro: What an bad girl, I should ignore her and continue my way to school.

As Akiro walked into his classroom, he noticed the girl he had been admiring sitting at her desk. As he nervously made his way towards his own seat, he accidentally bumped into her. The girl didn't even seem to notice him and simply continued talking to her friends. The boy felt embarrassed and disappointed, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. Little did he know that this small incident would be the start of a tumultuous relationship that would take them both on an good adventure.

Akiro quetly sat on his seat when he saw the girl standing in his front.

The girl: Hey!

Akiro: H....Hello

The girl: You're the one who collided with me right?

Akiro: Actually I was in a hurry so...

The girl: So it is my fault?

 Akiro: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you.

The girl raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the boy's innocence. "Why were you in such a hurry? Are you running away from something?" she teased.

The boy blushed, feeling embarrassed. "N-no, I was just lost in thought," he replied softly.

The girl held his collar "Well, be more careful next time. You never know who you might run into," she teased, before walking away.

Akiro found himself strangely drawn to Lily's bold and confident personality. He felt drawn to the girl's confidence and charm.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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