Enjoy is all I have to say!

BLACKPINK and Ruby had checked out and put the stuff in the car. "Hey, Ruby. What was the white hair girl talking about?" Lisa asked. "She is my ex girlfriend. The day I was gonna propose to her, I found out she cheated on me. So I never went or started a relationship ever again." Ruby answered. LiSoo were shocked. "Hey Ruby!" Yang yelled. Ruby just rolled her eyes and walked over to WBY and JNPR.

"What do you guys want?" Ruby asked. "Well.....we were wondering if.....you wanted to start talking again?" Jaune answered nervously. "Why?" Ruby asked. "We just.....it doesn't feel the same without Ruby." Nora said. "Well thats you guys lost. Not mine. I mean, yeah sure it hurt cuz you guys don't want me around, so I went to Chae and Jen. Now that I'm happy you guys want me back?! I'm sorry but, it don't work like that." Ruby said almost snapping at them, but didn't cuz she didn't want to scare Chaeyoung. 

At that exact moment, Chaeyoung came over and asked for their phone number. Ruby's jaw had dropped cuz she was surprised but she should seen this coming, cuz Chaeyoung is the type of person to forgive. As for Ruby, she can be a stubborn pain in the ass. After they exchanged numbers, they walked off and got in the car. Chaeyoung turned on the radio and started to sing along to whatever was playing. It made Ruby smile. *If Chae wants to be friends with them. Then okay. I'll try to get along with them. Ruby thought* 

A whole week went by and then all of a sudden Chae called JNPR and WBY to see if they wanted to hang out. Ruby don't know cuz she as going to work to deal with someone. Ruby was putting her shoes on when Jennie came over. "Hey Jen." Ruby said. "Hey Ru. Where you going?" Jennie asked confused. "I'm sorry Jen. I know you wanted to hang out with me today, but I gotta deal with something really quick. Once I finish, I'll come back, then we can hangout. Okay?" Ruby said. "Fine! But promise me Ru!" Jennie said.

"I promise. Now let me go to work." Ruby said while smiling. Ruby went to go see Jungkook. "Jungkook. Where is he?" Ruby asked pissed the fuck off! Jungkook just pointed at the room. Ruby walked to the room. "HELP ME! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" Sehun yelled scared. "No one is going to to help you." Ruby said. "Look. Mr. Rose, if this is about the contract let's just sign it and forgot I even said anything." Sehun said scared. "I'm not like everyone else. I don't forget easily." Ruby said.

"You are gonna pay for wanting to sleep with my sister and best friend." Ruby said. After 1 hour of torture Sehun almost passed out. "You really are pathetic. I got tortured for 10 hours and I was still awake. And I was just a kid." Ruby said. After that Sehun passed out. Ruby walked out of the room and went to Jungkook. "Hey Jk. Clean him up and put him back in his house." Ruby said. "Wait. You didn't kill him??" Jungkook asked confused. (Jk is short for Jungkook)

Ruby just sighed. "I wanted to kill him. But I didn't cuz he has a child on the way. That child needs a father." Ruby said. After that Jungkook cleaned up Sehun while Ruby went to take a bath to wash off the blood. "Okay Jungkook. I'm going now. Bye." Ruby said then left to go home. "Okay boss. Bye." Jungkook replied. Ruby 

Stay tuned for chapter 4! Hope you enjoyed! Bye!!!

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