[ENG] far away

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long eyes, magnifying prevention,

while i glimpse lazy

i feel as if those imitators

are still knocking hard:

hei, i'm losing my mind

but it looks like

you don't mind:

did i found you?

people like you are deeper than thoughts.

i'm reborn again

in the blink of an eye

even if i hear voices

and they take me over

i really hope


_ wait, don't go further..

_ let me handle the poetry.

[...] -> this symbolises a pause for reflection.

_ worthy glass, opera house,


this demonstration enveloped,

untranslatable climax,

assumed the impossible.

turned away from our mutual fidelity,

and follow destiny (?)

_ when he uses a question mark, he's unsure.

{fuck, guys. i'm like having a moment of poetical joy and there's people passing by..}

_ this means you hate other people, right?


i don't really hate you, stranger,

it's just that you don't understand me,

so i carry you for how much time is needed

and then i leave you alone,

_ and you wish that everybody would feel the same about you? that's impossible. people will always try to talk or interact with you. you can't assume that only because you want to and then they will leave you alone. there's a line you can't cross and that's other people's freedom. if you can't handle a conversation then just leave people alone first, and then they will go away from your life or they will ignore you, since this is what you want.

ouch, that hurt!

i'd invite you guys to try writing a poem

only to realize that in reality you're searching for therapy.

"then why don't you go to a doctor?"

ehm.. didn't ask that opinion.

i'm fine between the pages, thanks.


the another,

not singular,

strayed into the lost body,

provoking a seemingly irreparable trouble.

after the counterbalancing weight

there's a door to open:

_ i don't believe in myself, that's what you meant, right? and, btw, i'm not a therapist.

{right now i'm so tired i could explode, but i'm enjoying writing so i'll try to end this one in a decent manner..)


there are caterpillars,


take the mourning doctor,


_ all you're looking for it's appreciation. there's something you want to feed off and that's attention. you say you're against it but in reality you desire it very much. you want people to look at you and tell you that you're a good person because in reality you feel evil. and, to be more rude, (even if i don't want to), i'd say that you're a loser. it's time to move on. yeah, yeah, you feel the wind but...

i'll stop you there.

i feel the wind against my body,

and that's enough.

i can write poetry,

and that's enough.

i can smoke a cigarette,

and that's enough.

do you really blame me?

i just want to die and i want to be alone before..

well, you got the idea.

i'm suicidal only when i'm dead inside.

what's so wrong about it?

_ welp, i tried.. enjoy your "loneliness".

(<•_•) - i'm out, see ya.


i feel far away,

stranded on an island

and there's a song in my mind

that will get old

with time

and i'm tired

and i want to go to bed

only to not wake up anymore

and sleep for eternities and eternities

waiting for you to touch my skin

and softly caress me

as if i was a stray dog

that you found wet coming home.

i'm a lonely guy.

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