Chapter 5

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A/N: Oof (yeah that's all I have to say ✌️)

"He has to be here somewhere!" Tolkien exclaimed worriedly in a hushed voice.

"And the other guys too, where the fuck are they?" Cartman muttered back in a similarly hushed voice.

The two had snuck up to the fourth floor in search of Clyde as well as any other survivors.

"Holy shit, what the hell happened here?" Cartman asked as he took in the entire fourth floor. Half of the banister was missing, the walls were torn, and doors were smashed in.

Tolkien sniffed the air and frowned. "Something smells... burnt...."

Cartman and Tolkien exchanged terrified looks before carefully proceeding down the hallway. Cartman looked into a room with its door completely torn out and froze like a deer in headlights.

"What?" Tolkien asked under his breath before looking over Cartman's shoulder. He felt disbelief and terror wash over him. "No...."

Tweek Tweak's burnt and disfigured body was heaped in the corner of the storage room.

Before either of the two could react more, they heard a voice coming from farther down the hall.

"Come little children, I'll take thee away~ Into a land of enchantment~ Come little children, the time's come to play~ Here in my garden of shadows~" Kyle's voice sang as he approached the exit of the washroom.

Tolkien and Cartman had no choice but to enter the room that contained Tweek's dead body and took refuge behind a shelf. They covered their own mouths and looked at each other in terror as they heard Kyle's steps get closer.

"Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way~ Through all the pain and the sorrows~" Kyle paused outside of the storage room and lingered there, terrorizing Cartman and Tolkien without even realizing. He had cleaned himself up and changed into a new suit. All of his wounds were now nothing more than faint white scars that lined his body. "Six down, five to go." Kyle said suddenly before giggling and then resuming his song. "Weep not poor children, for life is this way~ Murdering beauty and passions~" He started moving again, prancing giddily down the stairs, his voice bouncing off the walls and echoing hauntingly. "Hush now dear children, it must be this way~ Too weary of life and deceptions~ Rest now my children, for soon we'll away, into the calm and the quiet~"

Cartman looked over shakily at Tolkien. "... What the hell was that thing?"

"I-I don't fucking know.... We have to find Clyde and get help...." Tolkien replied, slowly getting out from behind the shelf. He bit down on his bottom lip and forced himself to avert his gaze from Tweek.

Cartman pushed himself up as well and slowly stumbled to Tolkien, eyes wide. "W-wh-what do we do?"

Tolkien held up a hand, motioning for Cartman to stay silent. He cautiously peeked down the stairs and listened, trying to pinpoint Kyle's location. Tolkien heard Kyle's singing faintly in the distance. He began slinking down the stairs carefully, gesturing for Cartman to follow.

The two slowly progressed down to the third floor, constantly stopping to listen.

"... I think he's down on the second floor," Tolkien whispered to his friend. He glanced around for a second, confirming his observation. "Let's quickly look through this floor again."

Cartman didn't say anything and just nodded instead, keeping closely behind Tolkien as they scanned the casino and moved towards the restaurant. "He's not in here." Cartman muttered quietly as they entered the empty restaurant.

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