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One night, when everyone was sleeping, Eden was the only one awake. He couldn't sleep, for some reason. So, he decided to walk around the forest, alone.

Suddenly, he noticed that he dropped something.  The young man looked at the object and found the bracelet that the famous Ebur gave him a long time ago. Eden grabbed the bracelet and he looked at it for a moment. The soldier remembered when both he and Floyd were getting along pretty well and when he gave him the bracelet.

Then slowly, he starts to remember how he got everyone in England's attention, how strong and respected he is, and how he was able to marry his crush. Furious, he throws the bracelet on the floor and thought


He then pulled out his sword and continued

"I hate you!"

Just when he thought of that, he immediately sliced the bracelet in half. The young man looked at the broken bracelet for a moment, then he put back his sword and walked away.

Then suddenly, as he was walking, he heard footsteps. Alerted, he pulled out his sword once again and got into his position, ready to attack. His eyes were on a bush in front of him, since the direction of the noises was here. Then, someone came out of the bush. As Eden analyzed that person, he held his sword tightly, knowing it was a Malsi that he was facing.

"Hello Eden," the Malsi talked.

The man who sliced the bracelet looked at him, shocked. How does he know his name?

"Who are you? How do you know my name!?" he yelled.

The man that came out of the bush chuckled. Then he answered

"I know everything about you..."

He then smiled and talked in a deep voice

"...because I've been watching you..."

Floyd's twin brother was anxious, he was aware that this Malsi wasn't an original Malsi, like the ones he fought. Just at the sight of this guy, he felt a strong aura from him. No doubt, this Malsi has a high level of strength, and he knows he should be careful. The unknown Malsi noticed how uncomfortable he was, which made him proud.

"I've been watching you, everywhere and every, I know A LOT of things about you," he explained, as he slowly walked towards the young and handsome man.

Eden starts to back away a little, feeling more anxious.  Suddenly, he teleported behind him and said

"I know you're worried right now because you know that you can't defeat me..."

He leaned closer to his ear and continued

"...since you're well aware that I'm pretty powerful..."

Surprised, Eden immediately looked behind him, but strangely, he was not here

"This Malsi...he's fast," the jealous man thought when he looked around and found him standing on a branch of a tree.

Well, actually, this Malsi teleported from behind the Ebur to the branch of the tree. He didn't use his speed.

"I know that you hate your brother because he's stronger than you, he has everyone's attention and he took your lover," the man who teleported mentioned.

Eden looked down, and then he told him

"I...I don't hate him...that's nonsense"

"Oh yeah, then what happened to the bracelet he gave you? What did you do to it?" asked the man on the branch, pointing at the object on the floor.

"Plus, I can also read your mind. You thought the phrase 'Floyd...I hate you!', didn't you?" he continued. "I also found out that every time you go on a mission to kill a Malsi, you imagine your opponent as your sibling. It means that you want to murder him, don't you?"


Eden didn't talk back, figuring out that what that creature-looking man said was true. Yes, all of the Malsi look satanic, ugly, and scary. They definitely don't look human (even though they are humans). Eden is so blinded by jealousy that he now hates his brother, wishes to be stronger than him, and even kill him. The Malsi then jumped off the branch and walked towards the Ebur.

"You know, you could join us," he said.

Floyd's brother looked at him, surprised by the request.

"You can be a Malsi. And since you have the powers of the Ebur, once you become a Malsi, you'll be even stronger as you'll upgrade your Ebur sword into a Malsi sword," he continued as he kept walking towards him.

"By becoming a Malsi, you can get stronger and overpower your brother. Isn't that what you want? Getting stronger than him?"

Eden doesn't respond, he instead looks away, not sure what to say.

"I'll give you time to decide. By the time you've decided, meet me at the same place and tell me what you've thought of"

The Malsi then walked away, but before he left, he said to him

"By the way, my name is Walter"

Eden starts thinking, should he accept this?

The man was able to decide when this happened...

To be continued.

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