Believe In Better...Than Hunger

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"I'm starving."

So many people use that phrase every day but how many of them really understand it? How many people have the right?

1.02 billion have the right to say they are starving. 1.02 billion people in the world are starving. I'd be willing to bet that most of you have never experienced true hunger. Most of you have never been able to count their bones one by one. Most of you have never been so hungry you can't even eat. Your body rejects the very thing that can heal it. Most of you have never gone blind from vitamin A deficiency.

How many of you have children? Are children? Have baby cousins or siblings? 16,000 children in third world countries died today, because they were hungry. 16,000 children will die tomorrow. Children of all ages are going through inexplicable pain everyday.

In order to feed every person on Earth the United Nations estimated it would cost around $20 billion a year.

Do you want to know how much Americans spent on ice cream last year alone? . . . . $20 billion.

How about on perfume? . . . . $12 billion.

Now comes the kicker.

The average handgun can cost anywhere from $500-$900. In 2012 about 16,808,538 people applied for a gun in the U.S. If everyone was approved that would be $8,404,269,000-$15,127,684,200 that Americans would rather spend on violence than on peace.

To those of you who read through this entire thing: Thanks! For those of you who read the first line and then just didn't care enough to go on. I can't change try to change your mind any more than this but I hope you at least try to spread the word so other people will help.

Now that you know the statistics you need to know a way to help. Visit these sites to get more information.

 UN World Food Programme

Action Against Hunger

The Hunger Project ECHO

Oxfam America World Hunger Year

Trees for Life

Heifer International

Stop Hunger Now

Feed the Children

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