FredBear and Spring Bonnie

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-August 26 1973-
It was a sunny day and 2 friends decided to buy an old pizza parlor. "It's perfect Henry" Said A Man. "Your right it is perfect William" said henry. They looked around and found 2 torn endo-skeletons. "Do you think we can restore them?" Asked William. "Definitely" Answeres Henry. They pick up the Endo-Skeletons and place then in the bed of their truck and drive off to a mechanic.

"You can repair these right?" Asked Henry. "Definitely" said a mechanic. "Alright well how much will it cost" questioned William. "Around 500$" answered the mechanic. "Well Henry we have no choice" said William. "Your right Will. Lets do it" Henry said to Will. "Perfect. By the way, my name's Hank" said the mechanic. "Nice to meet you. Can we come back sunday and pick them up?" Asked Henry. "Yea" said Hank. "What time?" Asked Will. "Does 3:30 sound good?" Asked Hank. "Certainly" said Henry. The men shook hands with hank and left.

-August 27 1973-
Hank stayed late and worked on the robots. "You guys sure take a while" he said. After a while he sat down taking a sip of water. "I wish these guys weren't so difficult. Well I guess I should see if they work" he said flipping the on switches. The animatronic opened their eye's and looked around. "Hello. I'm {Insert Name} and this is my companion and were {Insert Band Name}" it said. He turned them off and went home. "Thank god they work". Henry and Will came the next day to pick them up

-September 2nd 1973-
"Ready will?" Asked Henry. "Damn right I am" Will said with a smile. They opened the door and within minutes the place was packed with kids and adults. Will went into the backstage to smoke. "Look at those idiot's. I can't wait to make some magic happen" William said with a smile and a cigarette in his mouth. After a while Will stopped smoking ans found a spare suit. "Guess Bonnie can go off stage' William stated after walking out the backstage door. "Alright kids SpringBonnie is gonna get off and say hi to everyone" Will said over the intercom and closing the curtains. William quickly put on the suit and opened the curtain's. "Well howdy kids" William said as SpringBonnie. "Are you having a good time!?" SpringBonnie asked. The kids cheered yes and went back to having fun. "Where's Henry at!?" Will asked himself. William looked around and found the Janitor's closet open with Henry inside sleeping with a bottle of Beer in his hands. "What a drunkie" William said walking away back to the kids.

After the party ended William cleaned up the place and put the suit in backstage. "Jeez we really need a crew. I'll get Henry to do it" he said sweeping up the last bit of dust. Suddenly William heard a clink from the stage. "Who's back there" William asked, No one answered him. William shrugges it off and went back to cleaning. Will heard more Clinks from the stage. Each time he shrugged it off and cleaned once more. After an hour of it Will was annoyed. "Guess I'll so
Pend the night here watching guard" he said putting the sweeper and dust pan away. Will walked to the back of the resturant and sat in the office chair watching camera's. He switched camera's over and over till he noticed something off. He looked at the stage cam and saw Fredbear's hand lifting uo getting ready to sing. Afton felt afraid and watched in horror. But the animatronic slowly turned its head towards the camera and waved.

-The End-

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