Chapter 1

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Four years had passed, another baby boy greeted the Beradon'na household.

Mandorian, the next Foreseer, was a frail infant, to say the least. Premature, he was, due to unexpected complications, and under the constant watch of nurses and his mother alike, never once left unattended for fear he may not make it.

But weeks would pass and he grew stronger, surpassing expectations the little soul didn't know he had. Strong enough to be held for the first time.

Today, he found himself in the arms of his mother, who was seated in a rocking chair in his room, accompanied by his grandmother, who was reading a book to his older brother.

The two had been eagerly awaiting a moment where the children could meet, though the eldest still could not hold the youngest for fear of his safety, at the very least he could learn who it was he would grow up to protect. Thus he was being entertained with a simple book to keep him out of trouble.

There was a peaceful silence in the room aside from the low mumble of the grandmother as she recounted a favorite tale of hers, one that would soon have a subtle air of tension about it.

Rosaline stopped her rock, using her safest hand to brush a strand of dark hair from her tired eyes, "Mother, do you think it is wise to read them such tales of grandeur?"

Ivanka gave a curious glance upwards, cradling her grandson close, "That is an odd question to ask, my dear, but of course I do! I want them to live life with a sense of adventure when they are older. Why do you ask?"

Rosaline gave a glance towards the walls painted with frog princes and winged lizards, "I do not wish for them to grow with... unrealistic expectations, knowing their roles here in society are far more important than a wild imagination."

This intrigued Ivanka, her brow raised in surprise, "Unrealistic? Well, I suppose you are entitled to thinking of it as such... but would it not be a good way to encourage them to embrace their roles? I know it helped Rodnick decide to be a world trader in his youth! My, how he had passion!"

"And that may be so, but I've a feeling these children need far more than fairytales to do such." Her rock continued as she rolled her heel against the floor, the chair creaking rhythmically, "I would much prefer something grounded in reality. Historical, even. That way they may still be inspired, but know the realities."

Ivanka found this a concerning request. No wimsy and magic? Even if they live in a universe built on such things? To her this was an insult to everything the Firsts has built their world upon, yet with her experience she knew she had a loophole. If it's history she wants... "Who am I to refuse your preferences for your children? I know plenty of historical tales that may enlighten them as such! You and I know well enough how rich our community is with historical feats."

Rosaline looked pleased at the compliance, nodding along, "Yes, I suppose you are correct. I do trust, then, your aid in their education will be most full of the finest selection of facts. Once Mandorian is old enough to not need as much tending by me, Rodnick and I will have many duties to return to."

A chill seemed to nip at the back of Ivanka's neck. The Rosaline she had known prior was, while rather lazy, still committed to her role as mother and caretaker, from what she understood. Yet, despite her diligence in tending to her children, she now spoke of leaving them to other caretakers, a concept she could never have envisioned until now. Odd, she thought, that she spoke as if this was a passing of the torch.

Rosaline's half-lidded eyes met hers, "Is something the matter?"

"Oh, no!" Ivanka denied, but paused and shook her head, "Actually yes... You do not intend on abandoning these children, do you?"

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