~•Chapter 2•~

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~•Sudden approach•~

|Pov.  3rd Person |

It was past two in the morning, all the monsters were sleeping, except for Bet, the skeleton hadn't even napped for five minutes.  The dialogue that took place at the bar swirled in her mind preventing her from relaxing.

"...Lily told me that you were the one who knew the most about her, other than the captain of the royal guard, or her own personal guard."

Bet knew which Lily he was talking about... With a sigh, she got up, pulling on her black slippers and left her room as quietly as possible.  For someone who screams so much, Liz had great hearing and Bet wasn't in the mood to hear about Liz's constant complaints.  Liz was sometimes extremely petty about anything, even something that Bet had nothing to do with, she somehow always dragged her sister into the matter and blamed her.

Going down the stairs slowly, the skeleton headed towards the back door of the house, when it opened, it was faced with a small backyard, a shed in the corner and in the middle of the backyard, a mound of land with no snow on top.  The skeleton placed his hands in his pocket as he stared at the mound of earth in complete silence.

"Oi Lily, I know you're there."  she said, looking at the mound of dirt, with a slightly irritated look.  Soon, the mound of earth moved and from it, a lily of fire timidly emerged.

"H-hello Bet! H-how are you GOO--!!"

The lily screamed as a bone was thrown beside it by Bet.  The red flower trembled as she looked at the skeleton, which contained a rather angry look.

"I didn't know you turned into a gossip."  she said slowly, as she rotated another bone between her phalanges, but Liry knew she was furious.  "Who do you think you are to tell people that I have any affinity with the queen!!?"  she yelled furiously, Liry shivered as she flinched.

"I-I can explain!!"  he yelled, earning a tongue-click from the skeleton.

"It better be an excuse that convinces me."  she said crossing her arms.  "If not, I will uproot your roots, leaving you to wither with no salvation."  she threatened, as her pupils held a dangerous glint.

"I-I'm so sorry, I-"

"I don't want you to be sorry! I want to know why you just said that to someone UNKNOWN!!"  Bet screamed cutting him off.

"I-I had no choice! Y-if I didn't tell you everything I know, he would kill me!!"  he said earning a tongue click from the skeleton.

"Of course, you just did something to your advantage, how classic, Liry."  she said dangerously.

"N-No, that was all!! He... he... He has--...!"  Lily froze, before turning her head slightly towards the forest behind the Skele-sis house, he then began to shiver and hyperventilate as tears welled up in his little eyes.  "I-IM SORRY!!!"  he yelled before submerging himself into the earth.

"WHA-- HEY YOU WEED, WE'RE NOT OVER YET!!"  she yelled before sighing in annoyance.  "Stupid little flower, it just gives me a headache, just wait until I find you again."  she murmured.  She sighed irritably as she massaged her nasal bone, trying to ease her headache.  There were so many concerns that were on her mind, and now one more.  Why did Liry react that way?  It looked like he was looking at something in the woods, or rather someone.  Now that Bet stops to think about it, she felt like she was being watched as she waited for the little flower to speak.


Her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar meow, the skeleton looked down, seeing that a familiar Kemocat with black fur and small red horns was rubbing against her legs.  Bet smiled softly before crouching down and stroking the bixan's black fur.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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