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Today is my 1st day as a history at KISS. I woke up bright and early to give myself time to get ready and make myself presentable. I walked out into the kitchen to make myself coffee.

I was making my porridge when I heard my phone ding on the counter. I picked it up and saw I had a message from Alex:

Fellow Aussie Boy- Hey! You ready for your 1st day?

Fellow Aussie Girl- Of course I am! Are you?

Fellow Aussie Boy- Absolutely. Do you wanna meet up before classes start? We can go to a café if you want?

Fellow Aussie Girl- Sure. I found this cute one yesterday that we can go to! I'll send you the address. 

Fellow Aussie Boy- Perfect. See you in 1 hour?

Fellow Aussie Girl- Sounds good to me! See you then!

Looks like I'll be meeting up with Alex before classes start. After drinking my coffee, I walked over to my room so I could get changed. I found a black skirt with a white shirt and brown cardigan. I paired my skirt with some tights and black heels. I want to make sure I look good for the 1st day of classes. Once I had my outfit together, I went to the bathroom to do my makeup and hair. I decided to go for a casual style for my hair, opting to curl it and leave it down. I done my quick skincare routine followed by my makeup. I grabbed my bag and double-checked I had everything and that the apartment was clean (I'm a massive clean freak so I like to make sure my living area is clean before going anywhere) 

I left my apartment after making sure everything was clean and began my walk to the café. I found it when I first landed in Seoul yesterday and thought it was just perfect. I love going to little cafes (I went to them all time with my parents back in Sydney) so I'm very happy there are plenty here in Seoul for me to go to. 

The café was about 5 mins from my apartment which was good. When I got there, I found Alex waiting outside for me. He was wearing black trousers with a white shirt and dark blue jumper. His black glasses sat upon his face. "Hey Alex!" I waved as I walked over to him "Y/N! It's so great to see you! This place looks lovely" Alex smiled as he saw me walk over "I know right?! I found it when I got here yesterday" I replied "Well, let's get some grub. I'm famished" he walked over to the door, opening it and standing to the side "After you" he held his arm out to let me enter the café. "Your too sweet Alex" I walked into the café, making sure he got in before finding a table to sit at.  

"So, how are you feeling about today then? Excited? Nervous?" Alex asked once we took a seat "Very excited. I can't wait to start teaching those kids about the Joseon Dynasty. Especially with it being a topic I cared about deeply when I was at school. I can't wait to start" I smiled as I talked about it. I didn't realise but when I was talking, Alex was smiling at me the whole time. I looked up at him as he was smiling at me "Sorry, I tend to ramble when I get talking" I explained "It's ok. I don't mind. It's cute" he smiled. I didn't realise, but I had started to blush when he said that.

About 15 mins later we got our food. I went for a fruit salad, Alex going for French Toast. "So, how are you feeling about today then? I heard your teaching Chemistry" I asked as I tucked into my food "Pretty good. I think it'll be nice to teach them things I found fun and interesting at School. I just hope they find it as interesting as I did" Alex explained "I'm sure they will Alex" I replied. He smiled as we continued to eat our food.  

Once we were done eating, we paid for our meals and began the walk to the school. It was about a 10 minute walk to the school. It was nice to walk through Seoul in the morning. Not many people were around so we could enjoy the peace and quiet. We didn't talk the whole way there. Mainly because I was too nervous to say anything. I felt something inside me whenever I was around Alex. It felt like butterflies were going off in my stomach. I've been feeling them ever since we met last night before the welcome dance. 

Always There// Alex X Reader// XO, Kitty//Where stories live. Discover now