CHAPTER 1:Prologue-a day to begin with

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Year xx,xx,xxxx
A certain prophecy finally happened,it is said that as the sky turned into a red a bright golden light will descend into the sacred land of the mighty dragons and in the exact place the ruler of all the dragons (dragonlord) will be born.A purist existence that will put an end of every evil being.

It was the exact day i was born...

I'm Cleo Levine son of his and her majesty Ivan and Celestine Levine from the Levinia Empire,15 years old and about to enter the evanion academy tomorrow.My mana capacity is the same as that of an average mage or even lower,there's nothing special or interesting about me at all except that im an imperial prince
Currently my parents are in the Evanion empire as they have an important thing to discuss.

Father always tell me that before you got accepted on the academy there will be a special test to test the strength of every individual if they are worthy enough to be accepted in the academy or not,i feel exited for tomorrow and the reason is that im finally able to meet my childhood friends,i miss them so much even though its only been a month that i haven't seen them, as i was thinking of a gift for them i heard a knocking on my door.

"your imperial highness are you there?"
A familiar voice of a women asked me, her name was chloe one of the most trusted servant in the palace.

"yes, do you need something?"
I replied

"ah...well someone has come to meet you your imperial highness."

"who is it chloe?"
i asked her

"w-well it's his h-highness M-Micha-"

Before she could finish speaking the door suddenly open with a loud noise.

A loud and cheerful voice greet me

"'s just you michael."

"don't you miss me~~???"
He asked with a wide grin

"why would i?"
I said while smiling as i look at him straight in the eye.It's been 2 years since we saw eachother yet he still have the same cheerful energy.
"what are you doing here anyway?"

"im here because im the one who is incharge ta take you to the academy tomorrow!."michael replied

"i see,i guess you're staying here for the night then?"
I calmly asked him

"yes,anyway be careful for tomorrow's entrance test it's a little dangerous as i have experienced the same thing years ago,here's a necklace that you need to wear for tomorrow"
Michael replied with a serious tone while giving me the necklace.

"What's this necklace for?"

"you'll know"
He said with a slightly teasing tone

"i see...Chloe bring his highness to the guest room."

"as you wish your imperial highness"

As they leave the room i sat back on the chair
'dangerous huh...i wonder why'
As i was thinking i notice that the sun is barely visible.

A seconds have passed a sudden pang of headache hit me and my breath hitched as if i have been running for miles.

suddenly the mark on my chest that has been carved on my body since the day i was born suddenly shined into a bright red and a mysterious golden light engulfed my body as i drifted to sleep but before i pass out i hear an unknown voice
《d-don''s n-not..........time......y........t》.

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