And The World Shatters

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    He can hear the pounding of his heart in his head, his breathing ragged and burning in his lungs, sweat dripping on his eyebrows, the cold air sweeps as he stopped, trying to catch his breath ,his bare feet caked with dirt and blood as thorns and sharp stones punctured the skin

  He didn't have his wand, stupid thing to do when racing down the dark forest

  Stupid to be even awake in the middle of the night, chasing down something then be chased around

  He can feel something behind his back, tried to turn around to get a glimpse,but nothing

   Then there's a pull, he felt himself thrown in the air, he lands on his back gasping for air, his eyes wide, his ears ring, a shrill sound and the excruciating pain and then cold, as if his soul was sucked out of him then coldness again and then darkness…


  James woke up still feeling tired, sleep usually is his best form of rest yet for weeks all he had seemed to be restlessness , he did his routine and heads to class, sighing at the silence and sudden loneliness

  It's only been weeks since the incident with the whomping willow and Snape and how one night and one mistake had tore them far apart makes James want to scream

   Remus would speak to him but would close off , he buried himself into studies and his prefect duties and James still wants to punch Sirius' teeth for all of this, but then James also can see how Padfoot is punishing himself, it gives a sinking feeling in James as he saw both his best friend and brothers fell apart and that poor Peter is also too anxious and nervous to talk to either of them

   This is another day as he sat in class, missing the usual mischief they would go into, Sirius' witty jokes and Remus' one line comebacks and Peter's gossip, James tried to look for Sirius, but he hasn't seen a glimpse of him

Come to think of it, he hasn't seen Sirius since this morning in the great hall for breakfast, he hadn't even checked if he's in the dorms that morning

   Now antsy James hurriedly picked up his things immediately stepping out of the classroom, sprinting down the hallways, suddenly feeling like everything is wrong, he rounds a corner and almost knock into someone, he immediately apologizes but still hurried away but was stopped by that someone pulling him

"James? Mate you alright?"

"Oh god Moony! Sorry I…"

"No it's okay, what's got you in a hurry?"

   James pretty sure he had this funny expression in his face and still feeling the unusual anxiousness

"Have you seen Sirius?"

  Remus brows furrowed into a frown

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