chapter 5 : believe

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Hina's pov :
Running away from Luka is not easy thing to do it with this rude person especially to me, I think I'll fail again, why these different moments interrupting me and those things never happened before the first try, I saw the escape of the truck, I expected that, what's next? Waking up again in the dark room again...
Shiroko entered to Hina's room
"Hina... " she said
Hina sees Shiroko and feels want to cry
"I understand that is hard to both of you and his sister... " said Shiroko
Hina just looks away
"I'm tired of trying..." She said
"Trying what? " she asked
Hina realized what she said
"Nothing... Really nothing... " she said
"If we could save the kid without to let a one of them die, it will be better for all of us, that if we can go back to the past..." She said
"What... " she asked
Hina's pov:
What Shiroko said makes me got an idea, in this time I will succeed, I'm sure about that...
Hina goes to Hikari's room and knock the door
"Hikari-chan... Can you open the door please? " she asked
Hikari opened the door slowly and sees Hina with a lot of tears and Hina hugs her tightly
So Hikari hug her tightly back and hides her face on Hina's body and start crying
Hina stills hugging her and pats her head softly
Hina's pov:
Hikari-chan is a one of my very precious best friends, she's the person who feels the same as me, but this time I know what should I do, I really planned for it, I'll apply it, yes I will! I'll save Tenma-kun from the death! I will save of him and the kid!
Time later, I started preparing for it...
Hina goes to her room
"It's the time for it... " she said
Hina takes her bracelet and use it to go back to yesterday again

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