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The True Lovers

Her knees were trembling as she waited for her test results, this was already tensive enough, she thought, why on earth would her exboyfriend Tanel sit right across from her. She slowly risked a look at him . Why did they break up again?
She couldn't remember...but nonetheless he was her ex for some reason , so she quickly changed her thoughts to something with less abs and dimples.
Her test. THE test.
Some time ago, scientists have found out how to test for former lives . More accurately, whose soul you were given. As is turns out, souls don't die, they find another person to live in and so it goes on . When you test for your soul , you only get told your oldest or most famous live. For example, Her Aunt was once Marie Antoinette and her husband was Ludwig August. Their souls met again in every lifetime , they found each other and fell in love over and over again. That's what a soulmate is called. But don't search for one! You will find each other eventually, you just have to trust. So as Kia was waiting she nearly didn't notice the old fragile woman coming out the test room. ,,Kia Evenistra , your Result has arrived". With still trembling knees and legs , Kia made her way to the Test room, as she walked past Tanel , he nodded to tell her : you got this ! A slow smile appeared on Kias face while she ,less trembling, walked past the old Woman.
,,Kia....I am very surprised with your test result" , said Dr Phanindra, an old friends of her Mother , turning his chair . ,,Sit down please"
She did as he told .
And froze.
Her test result said Lilith, first wife of Adam.

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