Chapter 11: Zoo avec Lux

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Read on 10:00 am
From: uknown
Harry,... We're already arrived in new york at 5 am.Lux been crying for 2 hours...ughh she Can't wait to see you! Niall and the other crew, sleep in the different hotel. Call me for the address!! Its lou!

"Babe,Lou sama crew udah di hotel. Tapi kenapa dia pake nomor yang ga dikenal ya?"

"Really?? Call her...!! Hurry!! Im worried!" Taylor langsung menyimpan meredith yang tadi di pangkunya


Calling Lou...
H: hello..
L: harry.... Glad you call me! Ughh
H: whats the matter?!
L: my sim card doesnt work in here...
H: ugh, dikirain kalian tersesat.. Sekarang lagi dimana??
L: umm,, were still in the hotel. Bcs we Dont know where we have to go.
H: okay,where you stay?
L: Its called the plaza hotel
H: oh,okay... Let me ask taylor... Im gonna be there soon!! Bye!!
L: byeee

"How is it?" Sahut taylor

"No,she's fine.. Oh iya, kamu tau
the Plaza hotel?"

"Of course i know... Thats the famous hotel in new york" taylor tersenyum

"Okay,can we go now?? Because lux been crying for 2 hours... Maybe she miss me" aku mengedipkan mataku

"Ummm,,okay... But i have to change my clothes first." taylor langsung naik ke atas dan masuk ke kamar

15 minutes later....

"Hey,im ready! Lets go!"

Taylor turun dan memakai coat berwarna coklatnya. Rambut blonde nya terikat rapih. Syal berwarna kuning dikalungkan di lehernya. As always.. She looks gorgeous!

"I like that yellowish scarf" aku melirik nya sambil tersenyum

"Really? Yeah Its new. Btw,kamu belum breakfast kan?nih ambil" Taylor melempar roti isi sandwich

"Whoops. Thanks!"Aku menangkapnya

"Mom,kita pergi dulu yaa!" Taylor langsung mengambil kunci mobil

Terdengar suara langkah kaki dari kebun menuju ke arah kita.

"Taylor... Where you going?!" Mom masih membawa sekop yang kotor terkena tanah

"Pick up my friends. She's from uk, im gonna take her to the city" sahut taylor

"Oh,, harry ikut juga??" Kata mom

"Um,iya dong.kan mereka Temen harry,we have to go now" taylor mencium pipi mom

"Okay... Take care guys!"


Kita udah sampe di the Plaza hotel. Aku udah ga sabar pengen ketemu Lux. Dia pasti lucu banget! Harry udah janjian sama lou dan suaminya di lobby hotel. Kita pun akhirnya nunggu di lobby

"Hotelnya bagus.." Bisik harry

"I know,she must be rich.." Aku berbisik

"Hahahaha.... Im rich too" harry mendorong badanku

"Ehh...itu lux bukan?!?"

Aku melihat anak kecil yang rambutnya diikat keluar dari lift bersama seorang wanita berambut ungu. Astaga!! Itu benar lux!!

"Yes,there she is!" Harry langsung berdiri

Lux digendong lou dan langsung menghampiri kita berdua. Lux segera naik ke atas badan harry

"Hey guysss!!" Lou langsung tersenyum dan memelukku

"Hey... Omg.. Your hair soo pretty!" Aku tersenyum dan memeluknya

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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