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First meeting


you found yourself walking through a dark forest. It was currently midnight and you went for a midnight stroll after a tiring day at work.
You worked at a local sea food restaurant. You loved your job but the people that come in for dinner weren't the best..
they would always complain about the littlest things. For example; if they didn't get thier lobster or crab and instead got a small appetizer, they would start yelling and demand that you give them the food first. Or if they didn't get thier order taken right away they would yell at your fellow employees for " horrible service ".
You would always try to please them but nothing worked so you always gave up.
While going on the stroll you stumbled across a church. Or is it a church? You couldn't tell since the church was covered in Vines. The church itself was this grayish blue and the roof was glass.
The church was a bit strange but you shrugged it off and stepped inside.
As you stepped inside you were greeted by a freakishly tall nun. She had black and white hair, with slit pupils and had a upside down holy cross necklace.
She hovered over you and stared at you for a second , then bent down so she could see you.
You stared at her for a second then spoke.

"Uh..hi? Is...this your church?"
You asked.

She thought for a second , thinking on what kind of response she could give you.
She spoke.
" Hello. And yes this is my church. I own it. What are you here for?"
" huh?"
You said confused
She sighed
Why are you here?"
" Oh! Uh...I came in here just to check it out. I'm not here for the mass..or whatever you call it.."
you've never been to a church before. You didn't even go to church. You weren't religious and never intended to go.
" you are correct it's called a mass. You just wanted to see what's in here. Correct?"
" yeah..uh-"
Before you could say another word it started to rain.

" ugh..." you said as you looked out the window.
" Can I stay here for the night?"
" You may."

THE DARKENED CHURCH [ rewrite]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt