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I'm in a community musical, and today at 8 am we had a Q2Q for the musical. (If you don't know what that is look it up)

I was very tired because I had gone to bed at 11 the night before and I  got up at 7 this morning.
So it was about halfway through the Q2Q and I was pretty discouraged.

The character that I'm in this musical has to stand guard at some point during the musical. And during this time I improvd falling asleep at my post. I thought no one would notice this but I thought I'd do it anyway bc I was tired 😛

So while I'm sitting there backstage being tired and sad. And then this very nice guy comes up to me and tells me that he thought my falling asleep while standing guard was funny and that he liked it a lot!

I was surprised and so happy that someone had noticed 😁 and i really appreciated the compliment!
It made my day 😊

I perked right up and pushed through the rest of the Q2Q because I felt appreciated and seen !

Okay here's the tip:
Find something that you genuinely appreciate about someone: their clothes, something kind or thoughtful they did, something funny they said or did, and tell them sincerely that you appreciate that thing about them!!

Even if you don't know/like them still do it because it will make them so happy ! Also you will be known as a kind person to them. Who doesn't want to be known as a kind person?

Anyway that's a smol thing i learned today! I will also try to do this 😅

Anyways I hope you all have an awesome rest of your day! You can do it!! 🎉🎉

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