Those cold, but sunny mornings ~

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He opens his eyes to an open laptop on a swivelling chair next to the bed he was sleeping on. That thing was running overnight on adult content. Click. Click. Shut down. It's 7:30. Work starts at 10:00. 8:15. Still in bed. This guy has to open the office. 8:50. The idiot opens his laptop again. He doesn't even use it. He's typing away on his phone. He's so lucky that the office is just around the corner from where he lives but - still. He was going to be late. He eventually sits up, washes, dresses and departs his home, backpack slung on his shoulder. This lunkhead is me.

I'm months into this job, but I already slack. I know this isn't what I want. This isn't where I want to be. I moved out here so that I wouldn't have to hear my family telling me to give up on my dreams. But I grew up and I forgot what they were. Now I'm stuck here. In a generic situation. Office dump with nothing to live for. No girlfriend, no actual friends (at least anywhere locally). I mean - this is just absolutely fantastic. You move out, thinking you're going to find happiness, but end up in a more miserable place than you were before.

My eyes are drooping. I need my morning coffee fix. I'm the only one in the office, and am waiting for my manager to pop in so that I can pop out.

Oh - and look - some clients. Fantastic. Both in the good and bad way. I mean, I'm happy that we're rolling the money in but - I'm so fucking tired...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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