6. Persuasion

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When I awoke the next morning, the warmth against me was unfamiliar, yet comforting. The last time I could recall crawling into someone's bed was older girls' at the orphanage.

Sometimes, that was a necessity, like on frigid nights with not enough sleeping arrangements to go around. Other times, it was a privilege, like when a more compassionate girl invited the small-child version of me into her bed after a nightmare.

I counted this time as yet another privilege. No, it wasn't necessary, but oh, I relished it.

Erik hadn't awoken yet. Every few seconds, his sleeping inhales expanded his chest, pressing it against my back. I moved slightly, only for his grip, which had loosened in the night, to tighten around me again. My heart fluttered up. Oh, God, this was wonderful! Why could it only last that single night? Why was this short morning all I had left?

For a few fleeting seconds, I allowed my imagination to capture me. This couldn't be far from marriage to Erik, waking up at his side every morning, counting each rhythmic breath even.

Erik as a husband: that concept took up too many of my thoughts lately. Yes, he had his flaws, but every husband did. His were nothing I couldn't handle. Others might not understand him, but I could. In fact, I found him to be, if not incredibly kind, at least caring towards those who deserved it. Something inexplicable drew me closer to him, and I didn't know what to do about it.

Even then, in that little time, I daydreamed about life with Erik, of our children, of growing old together. But, at the end of the day, it was all a mere fantasy.

Erik's eyes opening confirmed that fact. Eye contact flitted between us for a fraction of a second. He unwrapped his arm from around my delicate frame. Thirty seconds after waking up, he was already out of bed.

Turning partially to face me, I glimpsed the uncovered side of his face.

 "Well, Y/n? Why are you still in bed? We have work to do. Get up."

Erik was in one of his brusque, domineering moods, which I refused to defy. Shaking the melancholy off my heart- or at least trying to- I rose from the bed.

 "Get dressed. You have ten minutes. After that, you're to meet me by the pipe organ, and we'll discuss the plans for today."

Erik's look left no room for defiance. Nodding meekly, I retreated from his bedroom, already missing the feeling of his arm laying across me, his legs tangled in mine.

I dressed as quickly as I could, not wanting to irritate Erik and his strict timetable. Luckily, with two minutes to spare, I found Erik by the pipe organ, already dressed immaculately for the day. Lord only knew how he managed it that quickly.

 "Well, Erik, what am I doing today?"

His lips twisted with a grim smile.

 "You, my pet, are going to be in the right place at the right time- constantly."

 "Pardon?" I asked.

My stomach soured like curdled milk. He had promised nothing illegal. Just because he changed the title of my task now didn't make it any more permissible.

 "Don't pretend you didn't hear me," Erik snapped, "I want you watching Christine as early as possible this morning. Are you prepared?"

He arched a brow, and I never wished to sink beneath the floor more.

 "Well, I don't think this is... Should we really..."

 "Remember your contract, your loyalty to me. That still exists, no?"

Last night flashing through my eyes, I nodded, my throat dry. Yes, my loyalty still existed, but it had grown into far more. And that was dangerous.

 "No! I mean- yes. Yes, of course, Erik." I mumbled, heat bombarding my cheeks.

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