Chapter 2

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Like usual,Low marched up to their brother and went "brothaaaaaaaaaaaa" and his brother,like normally cuz ur boring /j,replied with "Yessssssssssssss?" they stood there,looking at eachotrher before 'Lexis said "wanna go andddddd- i dont know- fall outta trees? like i did in the past!" looking at his brother,probally with concern,August spoke "No- That's dangerous-" "okayyyyyyyyy-? no risk no fun^^ also,i got some alcohol- should i drink it?" Yellow answered,inncoent face plastered on.

"no,you should be giving me that so i can drink it^^" as their brother said that,the younger let out a dramatic gasp. "nuh >:( sharing is caring,you get half and i get half!" after a while,the older agreed so 2 glasses popped out of no where and Alexis filled both up 'to the asme point' 

(no i didnt^^ i gave myself more >:) )

they both said cheers and drank,August being amazed while Yellow was used to teh taste and called it 'boring' and that he had 'worst'.


the 2 talked about how Low even got the acohol "isnt that illegal-?" the older asked,probally slightly concerned. "not if my family gives it to me!" ...silence is back,WOOOOOOOOOO! "i think^^' " after that convo this happened:

Yellow:*cutely looks like a gold fish,blink blink* "am so hot" *blink blink again,gold fish face intense*


Yellow:"yasssssssssss" *whips and nay nay* "no,im not okay and yes,i am on drugs^^ no hold on WRONG ORDER- FUCK-"

August:*to terrified to talk so just nods^^* (THATS RIGHT BE SCARED >:D)

Brothers being Brothers and/or idiotsWhere stories live. Discover now