When he got to know his nerd brother got bullied

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A beautiful boy was walking In the corridor, who is he? He is Jeon Taehyung brother of college's bad boy Jeon Jungkook.
He was taking his things out of his locker when someone pushed him on the locker.

"Hey baby boy"??? Said
"What the f*ck Jack leave me"Taehyung said while hissing in pain
"What if I will not?"Jack said
"Pls leave me"Taehyung said

Suddenly college's bell rings indicating it's class time.
"Today you are saved"Jack said as he leaves Taehyung and went from there

Taehyung start to cry silently. It's been 2 months he is getting bullied he never told Jungkook about it, he don't wanna make Jungkook worried about himself, on the other hand Jungkook always tells him to be strong.

Time skips to the lunch break
Taehyung don't have any friend in college and Jungkook is also in other class but he have friends.

Taehyung was sitting in cafeteria when he saw Jungkook coming.

Jungkook pov
I was coming inside cafeteria when a boy bumped into me making me angry
End of pov

"What the heck, don't you have eyes to see"Jungkook said angrily
"S-sorry"Boy said while shivering
Jungkook was about to punch the boy but Taehyung came in between and hold his arm
"Leave me Taehyung"Jungkook said angrily
"Go from here and I am sorry for his behaviour"Taehyung said to the boy
Boy quickly went from there.

"Can't you stop it?"Taehyung said
"I already told you I can't"Jungkook said as he wnets from there he don't wanna argue with Taehyung

Time skips at home
Rn Taehyung and Jungkook is arguing.
Why? Because of what happened at college.

"Jungkook can't you stop it, can't you be a good boy?"Taehyung said
"No, i can't"Jungkook said
"Jungkook, if someone will do the same with me what you will do?"Taehyung said
"I will never let it happen, I will always protect you"Jungkook said
"If they don't have any brother to protect them so you will bully them?"Taehyung said
"Stop it Taehyung, I don't wanna argue"Jungkook said as he leaves from there

"Ahhhh he can never understand, he should do this it's bad but he don't understands me"Taehyung said to himself

After 10 days.
Taehyung was lucky today as Jack didn't came to college today.

On the other hand Jungkook keep on bully people, Taehyung told him not to do it but Jungkook didn't listen to him.

Taehyung felt bad for the people whom Jungkook bully cause he himself is suffering from this thing.

Jungkook don't know he is getting bullied but he always told him to be strong so no one can hurt him.

But he don't know Taehyung is getting bullied maybe someday he will find out if he will them you can't even imagine what will happen with bullies qnd even with Taehyung for hiding it.

Day by day Taehyung's behaviour was changing, Jungkook was noticing it so he thought to ask Taehyung.

At night
Taehyung was pretty nervous as in morning Jungkook told him to meet him in his room after dinner.

Taehyung took a deep breath and wents to Jungkook's room.
In room

"Why did you called me?"Taehyung said
"Are you alright?"Jungkook said
"Yeah, I am what happened to me?"Taehyung said
"You are behaving strange from so many days"Jungkook said
"I am alright, I am sleepy, I am going to sleep bye"Taehyung said as he runs out of the room

"Strange but no worries tomorrow I will follow him"Jungkook said

Time skips to the morning
Taehyung was taking his things out of the locker when Jack kick him form the behind.

Jungkook was walking as at night he decided to follow Taehyung.
He saw Jack kicked Taehyung, he can't control himself he wents to them and starts to beat Jack without any mercy.

Some people saw and went to call college's principal.
"Jungkook leave him"Taehyung said as he tried to free Jack from Jungkook's grips
"I will kill this bastard today, how dare he touched my brother"Jungkook said while punching him

Jungkook leaved Jack and stood up.
"Take him to infirmary and Jungkook Taehyung both in my office"Principal said

In office
"Why did you fight with Jack Jungkook?"Principal said
"Sorry hyung but he bullied Taehyung"Jungkook said
Principal is their cousin brother, Kim Namjoon.
"Taehyung is it true that he bullied you?"Namjoon said
"Yeah hyung"Taehyung said in low voice
"From how much time?"Namjoon said
"It's been 3 months"Taehyung said
"Did you tell anyone?"Namjoon said
"No hyung, I don't wanna make anyone worried "Taehyung said
"And don't you think we would be worried after knowing?"Jungkook said angrily
"Jungkook I am talking to him"Namjoon said
"I won't punish you Taehyung but Jungkook will"Namjoon said
"H-hyung no"Taehyung said
"It's my final desicion and Jungkook come infront"Namjoon said
"Why me Hyung?"Jungkook said while being a little scared
"Can't you tell em that he bullied Taehyung but expect of that you choose to fight very good"Namjoon said
"Sorry hyung"Jungkook said
"Show your hands"Namjoon said
Jungkook showed his hands and namjoon gave him 10 hits on each hand

"Next time if someone bullied him, tell me don't choose to fight and don't even dare to bully someone"Namjoon said
"How do you know?"Jungkook said
"I know everything, it's my college, I am not punishing you for bullying but next time if you dare to bully someone i will break your arms"Namjoon said
"Sorry hyung"Jungkook said
"Not to me say to those whom you bullied"Namjoon said
"Sory hyung, I will say to them"Jungkook said
"Good now you can go"Namjoon said

Both wents to there home.
Rn Taehyung is bending on his knees infront of Jungkook.

"Come here"Jungkook said coldy, Taehyung wents to him
"Why you choose to hide?"Jungkook said coldly
"Sorry Jungkook"Taehyung said in low voice
"Not accepted, lay on my lap"Jungkook said
"Pls no Jungkook"Taehyung said
Taehyung didn't wanted to make him more angry so he laid on his lap.

Jungkook pulled his pants and box's downs.
"Not bare J-jungkook"Taehyung said
"Shut up"Jungkook said as he starts to spank him
After almost 70 spanks, Jungkook leave him and said
"Promise me you will never hide anything from me"Jungkook said while making Taehyung sit on his lap
"I p-promise"Taehyung said while sobbing a little

After sometimes Taehyung calmed down and hold Jungkook's ear and pulled it
"Ahhhhh hyungiee"Jungkook shouts in pain
"Dare to bully someone again I will break your arms"Taehyung said
"I swear I will not Pls leave me"Jungkook said
Taehyung leave his ear.
"You double bunny did you forget I I elder than you"Taehyung said
"I didn't, I punished you cause it was your fault"Jungkook said
"Alright, I am not angry"Taehyung said

Then the boy's promise each other they will never hide anything from each other nor Jungkook will bully someone, next day Jungkook apologize to everyone who bullied him and both starts to live happily.

The end

The end

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