Day 131-132

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The people have spoken. New stuff it is! (And longer chapters, even if it takes me longer. I heard that, too, don't worry xD)

Day 131:

It's 9:15 when you pop the question.

"What would it take to have him released?" you ask, head resting on your wrist as you lay slumped over the white couch, Aliyah on a video call on the table across from you. The fingers of your other hand skims over the white fabric cover of your father's journal.

A beat of silence. You grimace- she's going to explode at you, tell you you can't make friends with time, can't-

"I figured you'd be asking that soon," Aliyah says quietly, and you snap your head up.


"I mean, you were sympathetic to your monster before," she says, and you see the reflection of glowing water rippling across her face. Aliyah loves the ocean. She has a blue light that ripples across her room when it's too dark to be outside, a contrast to the candles we usually use. "And then you got trapped with him, and since then..."

She shakes her head with a small huff. "Well, you definitely kissed. At least."

You flush bright pink. "Aliyah!"

"Well?" she says, raising an eyebrow. "Did you? I have a bet going with Jin and Rob. Jin is convinced nothing happened, and I'm in the middle, but Rob-"

"Aliyah!" you exclaim again, gripping the blanket to you. "Stop! We just kissed! One kiss. That was it!"

"So I win the bet!" Aliyah let out a cackle, but then her face sobers, collapsing. "Shoot, Y/N."

"Yeah," you say, grimacing. "You can't tell anyone."

"I won't," she promises, shaking her head. "But you're in deep trouble."

"But that's the thing," you say, glancing down at the submarine door. "He didn't kiss me, not at first. He's not- I don't think this is a manipulation. I think he genuinely-" your face burns hot again, and you trail off the end of the sentence.

Aliyah doesn't say anything. Then: "So you're serious about getting him cleared."

You exhale, breath whooshing around the candles that light up your living room. They flicker around you. "Yeah."

"You'd be risking your life. Are you ready for that?"

You shiver, wrapping the blankets around you. Are you?

"I don't know," you admit, slumping back against the white couch. Aliyah nods, turning back to her kitchen, where something is simmering on the stove. "I want him to be free, but... I mean, I've had an encounter with a free Outcast before, and... and I don't want that to happen again, and my Dad died trying to free his."

Aliyah sighs, reaching for a cup of tea that sends steam hissing into the air. "Well," she says, "there's only one way to prove for sure. You have to let him out, and get proof you did. And if he doesn't kill or maim you or-"

"Aliyah," you interrupt, and she raises the hand that isn't holding her tea.

"I'm just saying," she says, taking a sip and setting it down. "Anyway, if he's... if he's fine, I guess you'd want to go to the board. Not Afua or your mom, they wouldn't be sympathetic. Maybe a lesser board member who you could get to present your evidence. They couldn't say no then, they'd have to let him out on probation. Maybe get EUOAT to back you up, just in case."

She takes a sip, and you nod, the plan clicking together in your mind like a shiny silver puzzle. Let him out (and risk your life in the process), get proof, and then tell the board member. Simple enough. There's a man- a scrawny former administrative guy, new to the board, named Davis- who might be sympathetic to the cause who you could talk to.

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