2. Found

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Eh, and people don't believe in God, that was a close one because if it weren't for God I would be dead right now. I thought to myself how I would forget that traumatic experience as I sat down on my bed hands shaking, heart racing and numb feet.

I went to the kitchen to get some water when I heard a knock on my front door. My shaking hands slowly opened the door only to see my landlord standing there in all his glory with his hands folded.

"Young lady, where is my rent?" He asked with his hands still folded.

"I... I." I stuttered before Mr Blake cut me off.

"I I what?" He ridiculed.

"Just give me one more day Mr Blake I haven't received my pay yet." I pleaded as I tried to make a sympathetic face which failed miserably as Mr Blake had no remorse in his eyes he merely wanted his money, money that I don't have and the money I promised to give him in one day.

Mr Blake stormed off and I watched him as he swiftly walked down the street.

"Mi no know-how mi ago get dis yah money yah eno," I said as I ran my hand through my 1-month-old box braid.

As I closed the door I got a phone call from my cousin Ari who ran a catering company.

"Hi Cous, what's going on?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"Hi Ny are busy today I need a little help?" She requested as I sat down in the kitchen and sipped my water.

" What do you need?" I asked.

"So I'm catering for a party tonight and I'm short on staff I was hoping you could help me out."

"Okay sure just say when and where and I"ll be there," I said.

"Thanks, cous amma send someone to pick you up around 12:20."

"Aitee lata," I said and I hung up the phone and went straight to the bathroom because it was already 11:32 am 



I couldn't believe I was actually going to this thing called a party, partying wasn't my thing but I was still determined to get this deal with Franco and I was going to do everything I could even if means I had to dress up in a suit and crack a few smiles here and there.

"How do I look, Max?" I asked my right-hand man who was sitting in my living room.

"You look sharp as always boss." He said as he stand up and walked towards the door.

"Boss, do you think Franco has an ulterior motive this motherfucker always has something up his sleeves?" Max asked as he started the car.

"He might but well just have to play this stupid game of his to find out," I answered as I looked at the traffic ahead of us.

At the party

"Kinsley my man what's up it's good to see you again and Max." He said as he took my hand in a firm handshake.

"Thanks for having us." 

"Well come in a enjoy the party, we have lots of food, wine and champagne and lots of hot chicks anything you want is here." Franco babbled.

I didn't come here for the win and the food and if I wanted a hot chick I sure as hell didn't need to leave my house. Something was coming and I needed this deal with Franco.

"Franco you know darn well I didn't come here for no damn wine so why don't you stop the fuckery and let's discuss business," I said disgruntled and stood in front of him and he seemed shocked.

"Come on now Kinsely it's a party we'll discuss business on another night, now if you'll excuse me I have a party to host."

"This man coming like some pussy."Max said and kiss his teeth.

As Max was blabbering his mouth my eyes came across a familiar face, and then something flash across my mind wasn't that the girl that witness the events that took place the other night?

"No mercy!!!!!!" I said as held the gun to his head, did he really think that he could double-cross me and get away with it? Without hesitation, I pulled the trigger.

"You boss there was a woman, what should we do?"

"Then don't just stand here go find her." I said in a stern tone.

"Woiiiiiii boombooclat,help help.!!!" she screamed as ran down the street.

"Max isn't that the chick from 2 nights ago?" I asked as I pointed at her.

"Who, me no see nobody."

"See har over desso a give out the food you idiot," I said as I pointed once again.

"Oh yes a she the one with the big batty and the braid a she boss weh we me fi do with har."

"Bring har too me and don't make a seen I'll be around the back of the building."


I saw a man approaching me which was unfortunate because the food finished and the party basically finish. "Good evening sir I regret to inform you that the food is finished," I said with a smile.

"That good man that's not what I came for anyway."

"Then what did you come for?" I asked.

"You." He said as he stared blankly at me.

"Excuse me."

"Oh shit sorry, I meant the boss needs to see you." The man said and my eyes slowly scanned him he was wearing a black suit and my eyes travelled back to his face for a split second he looked familiar but I just couldn't remember where I saw him before.

I slowly followed him around the back that's when I stopped dead in my tracks, wait Ari was upstairs so why was he taking me around the back?

"What the hell are doing my boss doesn't like waiting." He said when he noticed that stopped following him.

"I don't know what the hell his going on but I'm not going anywhere with you." I said as turned around to leave.

Before i could take another step i felt strong hands grab me and before i could scream he covered my mouth so i bit down on his hand and he groaned in pain he began to drag me by me hair and screamed out for help.


"Shut di fuck up, I thought I told you to not make a scene, and why the fuck are dragging her by her hair and shit." A deep masculine voice said angrily as I looked up and I looked up to see him.

Now I know where I know him from.

It was Kingsley.

"So what's your name?"

"Me nah tell yuh not a rass,affa uno drag me out yah." I said as I cut my eyes at him.

He took a step towards me.

And I took a step back.

Before he could take another step i kneed him in his balls and slap his friend and ran off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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