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Life is full of surprises, but nothing beats the colorful yet dull life of Reverie Allexzanderia Vanderbuilt. 

With her bubbly personality and determined mind, she does everything she wants.

In the midst of her parents getting a divorce, she drowns herself in buckets of cash and shopping bags. She lets them face their own problems while she stays the spoiled girl she is.

Now with the heavy bank account full of her daddy's alimony payment, she and her mom packed their bags and left the country with nothing but wads of cash.

Growing up with money is quite a hard reality for Verie. 

Now at the ripe age of 19 and moving into a new country, spending money is not the only hard reality she gets to face.

The kind and sweet girl inside her died after she met the stunningly handsome and breathtakingly smart, Kile Theodore Laude.

That's the other hard reality she's forced to face.

Her life never revolved around anything  except herself. But with the not-so-tall blockmate and laboratory partner around her, she's willing to make a whole new world for him.

Of course, not in a romantic way.

What runs in both of these students' minds are the hatred, disgust, and intense resentment for each other.

They hate each other so much.

Ever since Verie, both the sporty and academic girl, entered the Querencia University of Arts and Science, Kile's life gets shredded by pieces one by one.

He can't get over the fact that someone has ultimately challenged his intelligence and the top spot that he's been working hard for. He's willing to choke her and bury her alive six feet underground.

He's ready to get rid of her with any chance he gets.

Though, Kile plays nicely and fairly every time someone tries to threaten his goal of becoming summa cum laude, all he wanna do to Verie is show her how he can play the game messy and dirty.

None of them are backing out anytime soon. They are willing to fight just for the top spot.

With only one summa cum laude spot, they make each other their worst dream...

Or perhaps, best nightmare?



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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