🌈Cat problems🌅

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Published on: 6/8/23

This is from Baablu pick your origin video. After they are done with the manhunts depending on what the plugin was, it can carry over to when they go to a different server where the color Crew all lives. Baablu, Bubbo, Fantst all were messing around and showing off their Origins. Baablu didn't know how to take care of his fur so he needed to ask someone for help.


3rd Person POV:

BaaBlu was a Cat, Bubbo was a Phantom, and Fantst was a Blaze. They were showing off their Origins to the other members. BaaBlu was jumping off of tall towers, Bubbo was scaring everyone by popping out of the ground while Fantst was bathing in a lava bath. After a while though it was starting to get a bit later in the day. BaaBlu decided to go back to his house to relax and clean up. He took off his shoes and sweatshirt that he had been wearing all day. He headed to his bathroom to take a shower.

Timey Skipy

After his shower he looked at his cat ears and tail. They felt a bit weird when he softly touched them. The fur on them felt weird. They didn't feel like he cleaned them at all. He tried to put some water on the fur parts but it didn't seem to help. He started to get frustrated with it so he put on some shorts that go to his knees and a simple t-shirt. He put on his shoes and headed off to Yello's house.

He knocked as he stood in front of the house in front of him. Yello answered the door about 2 minutes later a bit confused on why Baablu was there.

"Oh hey dude what do you need?" Yello asked with a smile on his face. BaaBlu could obviously see Yello's tail going back and forth. It was something he always did when he sees one of his friends.

"Umm...Well. I..." BaaBlu didn't know how to ask. He saw as Yello slightly tilted his head in confusion. BaaBlu let out a small sigh.

"I don't know how to clean my ears and tail" he muttered very quickly. He started to fiddle (does anyone else use this word anymore?) with his hands. He heard Yello softly chuckle and drag him inside. As BaaBlu stepped in he saw Boosfer working on new plugins on his laptop. He had his headphones on so he hopefully didn't hear anything about the conversation. Yello started walking so BaaBlu quickly followed him. He was lead to the bathroom as he saw Yello grab some towels.

"You might want to take off your shirt if you don't want it to get wet" Yello joked. BaaBlu listened to his advice though. Even though it was an old t-shirt he still didn't like the feeling of wet clothes on his skin. Then he felt a towel be placed on his shoulders. Then Yello ran the water from the lower shower head.

"Okay sit down and we'll start with your ears!" He said as he grabbed some shampoo and conditioner that was separate from the rest. Yello adjusted BaaBlu's position so his head is over the tub. He carefully wet the fur on his head and put some of the shampoo on his hands.

His hands softly washed BaaBlu's ears. It was relaxing to the both of them. You could hear the soft purring of BaaBlu as he slowly closed his eyes and leaned into Yello's hands. Then Yello took some water and washed out the shampoo. He then carefully put some conditioner through the fur. While this was happening they both heard the door opening a bit more. It was already opened but now someone had walked in. It made BaaBlu nervous but it's not like he could do anything at the moment.

"Hey Boosf what do you need?" Yello said in a cheerful voice. Even though on video he yells a lot he's actually extremely calm outside of the server.

"What are you two doing" Boosfer asked confused on why BaaBlu is leaning over the bathtub.

"I'm helping clean his ears and tail since he doesn't know how to" he responded. Boosfer jumped up to sit on the sink and watch.  But now was the more awkward part. Cleaning his tail. Yello had BaaBlu sit on the wall part of the tub (I don't know what's it's called 😒). Now he saw Boosfer who was playing 'Angry Burbs' on his phone.

"Why are you in here Boosfer" BaaBlu asked in a confused but joking tone. This made Boosfer look up from his phone and think for a minute.

"Why not?" He chuckled watching as Yello carefully cleaned his tail. BaaBlu just gave him a annoyed look before smiling. They all started to talk about future video ideas and some they have coming up.

Time skip to once Yello is done

"Okay there you go!" Yello said as he got up and helped BaaBlu dry off. Boosfer then quickly took a picture of them and then ran away. BaaBlu noticed and ran after him laughing and yelling. BaaBlu playfully tackled Boosfer on the couch. They both were laughing as Yello came into the living room with BaaBlu's shirt. They hung out for a while before they all started to get tired.

"Yelp I'ma head out you two love birds" he joked. They had been watching some shows while Boosfer showed some new plugins he was working on. Yello and Boosfer said their goodbyes to BaaBlu as he headed out back to his house. Once he got there he saw Bubbo on his gaming chair that had been brought out to the living room.

"Where have you been mister?" He said as he spun around trying not to laugh. But BaaBlu couldn't help himself and started to laugh till he almost fell. Bubbo joined him with laughing.

"Wanna have a sleepover?" Bubbo asked. BaaBlu smiled and nodded as he went to grab all of his pillows and blankets he had. After lots of time had passed they had fallen asleep practically on top of each other.

Question: Are you out to your parents/friends? 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Total words: 1044!

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