That's what you get

16 2 1

When we get back to the common room, the boys automatically go to their dorm.
'And me?,' I ask offended that they didn't think about me.
'We trust you, you can come in,' James says nicely. I look at the four boys flabbergasted and see Sirius wink at me. I almost screamed because oh my-

I quickly follow them and walk in their dorm. I can clearly see who's whose bed. The one at the opposite form the door is Remus's because of all the books stacked beside his bed, the on the right is definitely Sirius his bed, because everything around his bed is very cleaned up but his bed self is a MESS (it's like he jumped on it a LOT of times in one day). The one on the right of me is Peters (close by the door), it's a little messy but it's like an average room and well on the right of peters bed is James his bed it's the most tightest bed I've seen there isn't one sock on the ground and his bedsheets doesn't even have one wrinkle.

When I'm done looking the boys all sit on their beds. I'm just awkwardly standing there because I feel antisocial to just randomly sit on one of their beds. Remus sees this and says:
'Y/N come and sit here.' He points at his bed and moves up a bit so I can sit.
James sees that Sirius is giving the most death stare at Remus and gives him the don't-you-dare face. Sirius gives a disgusted expression back at James but doesn't do anything (Peter was giggling).

'Okay! So are we going to do it tonight right?,' James says happy. I nod but then Remus says: 'Sorry, but I don't think I can come. I don't feel so well.' I look confused at him but he doesn't look back he only stares to the ground.
'Well then we do it when you feel better!,' Peter says.
'We can't, Pete the Dungboms will work out and then we will stink like hell,' Sirius says.
'But without Remus, we don't know where to go,' I say.
'Do you feel good enough to lead us to the place now and when it's time we four go together without you?,' James says with a soft voice.
Remus slowly nods. I can see he is a lot paler than usual. We all get up, but when Remus gets up he almost sacks trough his legs.
'Woah, woah,' we all say at the same time while I'm supporting him. 'Are you sure you can do this?,' I ask concerning. He nods again. We slowly walk to the place Remus has found a secret passageway. He explains (he's talking so soft that we barely hear him) that we just need to walk straight ahead and we'll come out right in front of the slytherin entrance.

I look at the clock and see it's six and suggest we go to dinner. To my surprise Remus also wanted to eat even though he looked very sick.
He quickly eats a lot and then he says:
'I need to go.'
We all looked suspicious at Remus who was already almost at the end of the great hall.
'That was strange,' I say to the three boys they all nod but then Sirius says:
'He also did that last month.' We all look strange at him then Peter says:
'Do you know why?' But he shakes his head.

When we're almost done eating Lilly, Marlene and Mary come up to me and ask if I'm coming with them. I can't I think to myself so I say:
'I'm sorry I still have to do something before I'm going back to our dorm you guys first go I'll catch up later.'
They look at me a little disappointed but don't argue. When they are out of sight me and the boys stand up and walk towards the place where Remus showed us. We walk trough the tunnel until there's a door, we quickly get under the invisibility cloak and push the door open. I turn around and see that we came out trough a painting with a big snake on it.

'There it is,' Sirius says while pointing at a stretch of a damp stone wall.
'H-How do you know?,' Peter asks with a very nervous voice.
'My last name is Black, remember?,' Sirius says in a quite arrogant voice.
We see a group of four year Slytherins and quickly slipt through the door. I look around it's just like how my mother described it.

We walk up the stairs and go into the first room. We open the door a little bit and roll one of the Dungboms inside.
'But then they'll see them,' Sirius says. 'Where is Lupin when you need him.'
'Wait he learned me the Disillusionment Charm,' Peter says. He quickly gets out his wand and waves it and then.... the Dungbom was gone.
'Woahhh Pete!! How did you learn that? That's really advanced magic!,' James says surprised.

We do all of the boys rooms but didn't do the girls room because James tried to go to the girls dorm once and well he didn't know there is a spell casted just at the beginning op the stairs. He's fine (he only had a 'little' concussion that's all).

When we're done we quickly get out of the Slytherin common room and walk trough the painting. I can't wait to see the Slytherins tomorrow.

This was another chapter a little longer than normal but I hope you liked it <3

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