Fishing Trip

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"Opera! Clear my schedule, we're going fishing!"

Opera had to pause a moment. Neglecting his duties to... fish? That was a new one, certainly odd too.

"It's just occurred to me what part of the century we're in! It's the only week in a century that those Rainbow Tuna are out and about! It's so rare! I bet you that Lady Levi and Lord Belial are already out catching most of them!"

Opera sighs, but not in defeat. "Sir, I understand that those are rare, but may I ask why we can't just purchase them? They'll be all over the market, you can certainly afford it."

"Not the one we're aiming to catch~!"

Opera's ears twitch in both confusion and surprise.

"Hope you didn't have anything particular planned, because we're going for the big ones! Crystalling Tuna!"

You see, in addition to rare Rainbow tuna, there is a subsection of even more, seemingly impossible to find, Crystalling tuna. It is believed that the Rainbow tuna only swim when there are enough Crystalling tuna, though some say that the whole reason to swim is to mate, explaining why there is a precise one-century waiting period for more tuna. Due to the rarity of Crystalling tuna, they are never on the market. If found they are simply cooked and eaten. Though, if an unexperienced chef finds one, they may find a six-star chef to cook for them as a plate of Crystalling Tuna is said to be the most delicious fish in the netherworld, especially when cooked properly.

"I'll clear your schedule immediately, Lord Sullivan."

It is also...

"I knew that would entice you! This is going to be so fun!"

 ...The one dish Opera has always wanted to taste!

Opera's ears twitch upward and their tail swishes happily, the meer idea of sinking their fangs into such a delicacy nearly has gotten them beyond excited! Sure, they've had Rainbow Tuna in the past, but never Crystalling Tuna. It shall be... devi-delicious.


Five times already they've had to go back to shore to empty their boat, full of Rainbow Tuna, the haul would be the pride of any fisherman... yet each time they've had to go back, Opera's face may not have shown displeasure, but their body language sure did. Even Lord Sullivan, head of the three greats, was concerned.

"Opera, you shouldn't get so worked up! These are near impossible to nab, you know? How about we choose one of the Rainbow tuna you caught and have that for a quick lunch? Would that make you feel better?"

"One more time, then lunch. It'll be haul six, so it's bound to be lucky."

Sullivan pauses before sighing, "Alright, alright. But then, Crystalling or no Crystalling, we eat lunch."

So, they set out, alone on their boat. Then, Sullivan throws a line.

"Sir-" "You can't have all the fun, Opera. Besides, I'm curious to see if I can pull half as many as you can!"

Opera nods, tail once more swishing happily. Then, they see it, a gentle tug. Not of the strength they had seen with the others, perhaps a smaller one? If so, then perhaps they could put it in a tank and give it to their Kohai, Balam, to study. Their Demonic rites are only a bit away. 

"Look! Already got one!"

"Small one."

"Still a fish! Still counts."

Pulling it from the water, at first glance it just looked like a blue fish. Though, Opera never saw anything like it. Perhaps this would be a good gift for Balam after all. But then, it started coughing. The two pause a moment.

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