Back 2 School !

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7:00 Ali woke up getting dress for school she wears the outfit that Nior told her that she shouldn't wear for  the bowling alley


Ali Enters School

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Ali Enters School

Tia : Ali you look so fucking good and I love what you did with your hair
Seven : Ali fr we all need to take a picture we look good asf
Tia : We literally all showed tf out today !
Ali : nodded


TIA ♒️


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Ali went to all her classes leading up to lunch it was now 12:45 as The lunch bell rung Ali went to meet T at his classroom
Ali : T what's up
T : Nothing much you look nice he said sadly
Ali : what's wrong ??
T : I don't think Lauren fw me I saw her talking to the nigga Heem
Ali : it's okay you deserve better anyways
T smiled : hmm you ready to head to this funky ass lunch room
Ali : nodded
T and Ali headed to the lunch room .
As soon as she walk in the doors she sees Nior
*Before Ali could go to the line *
Nior : What's up bro he said to T
T : What's up bro you eating this nasty shit?
They both laughed
Nior : Ali
Ali : yes
Nior : Couldn't wear it at the bowling Alley  so you wear it to school one way or another you was going to wear that outfit he laughed
Ali laughed : what it's not good enough for school neither ?
Nior looks Ali up In down : so what you doing after school ?
Ali : shrug her shoulders
Nior : You coming with me then as he smiled and walked away
Ali : shuck her head smiling and continue to stay
In line with T as they talked
T : I think Nior fw you
Ali: we cool ? Plus I thought he fw Bia
T : hmm Fuck her you look better anyways *T rolling his eyes *
Ali : laughed
She proceeded though out her day !!
Until 2:30 it was almost time for the last bell of the day .
As Ali was about to head out the class room door
there was Nior

Ali thoughts ( how tf did he know which class I was in !')

Nior : You ready ?
Ali thoughts: ( damn I can't even meet with my friends to tell them I'm not walking with them CRAZY)
Ali : I guess she giggled
As Ali followed beside Noir out the side doors
Nior : So did your enjoy your night out ?
Ali : Yeah it was cool she said
Nior looks at Ali
Ali : what did you end up doing ? To break the stare and silence
Nior : Nothing smoked in was on the game
Ali : what games you be playing ? She giggled
Nior: shows Ali game clips on his phone
War zone , gta shit wizard 101, mind craft , I'll even pull up Monopoly on that bitch
Ali : laughed
Nior : you play ?
Ali : I have before but Im definitely down to I like sims
Nior : Speaking of Sims You remember Meez ?
Ali : oh shit I forgot all about that I remember getting in trouble with seven and Tia we were in business class and we use to sneak up there long story short we got caught and Tia called her self apologizing but Tia says sorry mrs bundick but the way she said it had the whole class in tears .
Nior Busted out laughing : Ayooo man wtf bundick was her name ?
Ali laughed : yeah
Until they arrived by some water In boats
Ali : What are we doing ? atp * she says jokely *
Nior : Getting On the ferry Nior smiled
When the ferry pulled up Ali and Noir got on
Ali Enjoyed the ferry ride she loved the sight and the breeze
Nior could tell Ali was comfortable and enjoyed the little time she said had on the ferry .
As they got off they walk up to Theses Nice condos
Ali : Ummm who house we going to ?
Nior : Mines chill
ALI THOUGHTS ( I didn't sign up for this BS !!! )
Nior and Ali walks into the condo
Nior : Let me show you around
Nior : This is my room . Come In
Ali : Sits down in the chair * damn your room looks like the studio but not half bad on the cleaning and keeping it clean* she smiles
Nior : Smiles I'll take it thank you
Noir looks at Ali
Nior : Wanna smoke ?
Ali : It don't matter to me
Nior rolls the blunt
Ali : So who you live with ?
Nior :Mom she just work afternoon to nights but don't worry she know you here
Ali :HOW ?
Nior : I ask her * shows messages of him texting his mom asking *
Ali : So Shes cool with anybody just coming to her house ?
Nior : Nah but she trust me and my judgement
Nior : Ali I really love that outfit on you , you look he stop talking and look the other way
Ali : Giggled Are you going to ever pass the blunt ?
Nior : oh shit he look back at Ali passing her the blunt
Noir : I'm hungry you ?
Ali : Everytime you hit the blunt you hungry
They laughed
Nior : your turn to pick what we eating Twin .
Ali smiled she loved when he called her that !
Ali : hmmm For some reason I don't even eat breakfast or breakfast food but I want some now * she smiled *
Ali hands back the blunt
Nior : Roll one while I order this food
*Ali get the rolling tray and roll another blunt.*
Ali : Let's watch a movie so when we eat we have something  to do .
Nior : good idea what you want to see ?
Ali grabs remote
Turns on spider men " far from home "
Nior : Smiles
They watched the movie and when they  food came they ate .
Ali : I'm Tired
Nior : Already ( he sad sadly ) ?
Ali : Just a little I'm close my eyes in rest them for 5 mins as she lean her head alittle and closed her eyes .
Nior : okay 5 mins !
Ali : nodded off it already been about 15 minutes
But Nior just watch Ali he thought she was so Beautiful and he could feel his heart beating fast everytime she made any slight movement .
he Grab her a blanket in pillow as he sat
Now : 8:30
Ali : FUCK NIOR WAKE UP * shaking him to wake him up *
Nior : Huh ?
Ali : How was you suppose to be timing me in fall sleep within the 5 minutes * she said jokely *
Nior : I TRY TO WAKE YOU ( lying )
Ali : Hmmm Well I'm up now
*Nior playfully grabs Ali and pull her closer to cuddle*
Nior : IM NOT * he says smiling *
Ali : We have school tomorrow she said nervously
Nior : Let's Ali go , your right I'll call you a Uber home
Ali : Cool
Ali : WTF WHEW !
Ali was nervous why would he grab her like that and pull her in * she thought *
Ali Showers but Skips dinner she was so full from the food she shared at Nior house .
When Ali put on her clothes for bed she laid down and suddenly A message appeared
NIOR : Ali you ok ?
Ali : yeah fine
Nior : Alittle to much ?
Ali : WYM ?
Nior : The Grab I've been thinking it seems like after you wasn't really talking and if I offended you let me know I really enjoy your company Ali and I never want you to feel off or out of place
Ali : Oh no I was just thinking about some other shit I wasn't even paying attention to being grab * jokely says *
Ali knew she was definitely lying .
Nior : THANK GOD see you tomorrow Al
Ali : okay goodnight 🌙
Nior : Goodnight ❤️

Ali thought about the way Nior pulled her in all night !
And Went to Sleep !

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