Chapter 1: out with the old in with the new

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After being out all night I got to come back home with Karen bullshit, Karen and I was arguing again and I'm really tired of arguing with her it's like she wants me to leave her. I know I'm not bring in enough money but I'm trying my hardest I got a job at the airport and I'm in this program chain breakers. I can't lie it's this fine female name Fatima she drop dead gorgeous but I don't want to bring her into my shit with Karen because Karen going to give her a hard time plus she looks like the type to play hard to get and if I really want her I will have to step my game up so I really think chain breakers going to be my biggest accomplish. Karen is now 3 month pregnant but if I'm being honest I don't even think it's mines she cheated to with that nigga. I'm about to make a big move, I'm about to break up with Karen I have to work on me again and right now I can't trust nobody. I just got paid for chain breakers and the airport so I'm a just get a hotel for the night.

I walked in the house to Karen sitting on the couch waiting for me and right now I don't have time for this bullshit. I walked pass her "so you don't see me sitting here where the fuck was you last night" she said standing up "you know what you don't have to answer that you was with yo hoes having the best night of yo life not even thinking about me huh you know what Zac get the fuck out cause if you don't want me another nigga will" getting all up in his face "Karen bro move I don't have time for this shit you always tryna start shit with me damn I'm just bout to get my shit and move around cause I'm not dealing with this shit no-more" walks to the bed room "so what about this baby yo baby to be exact" "Karen what about the baby" packing his clothes "oh so you gonna leave and forget you have a unborn child these hoes that important that you don't care about yo baby who is the bitch Zac" "for the last time there no bitch and you know I have doubts it's not like I don't care about the baby I just don't know if it's mines" "WHATEVER ZAC GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE I DONT NEED YOU I DONT NEED NO NIGGA MATTER FACT LET ME CALL AARON BECAUSE HE CARES ABOUT ME FUCK YOU ZAC YOU AINT SHIT AND WILL NEVER BE SHIT YOU A BITCH ASS NIGGA THAT CANT TAKE CARE OF HIS RESPONSIBILITIES IM A BE GOOD WITH OR WITHOUT YO ASS LEAVE YO KEY NIGGA" causing a scene "call that nigga I don't give a fuck what you do matter a fact let me make a phone call" laughing


"Hello" the person on the other end said sound like he or she had just woke up "hey Fatima can you come and get me from my soon to be ex house" he said loud enough for karen to hear "I'm done with her fr this time" "yea of course send me the location and I'll be there in 30 to 1hr" she said sitting getting up out of bed going to the bathroom "ok bet see you soon" he said hanging up "so who was that one of your hoes you been fucking don't bring that bitch to my house or ima fuck you up and that bitch" Karen said getting in his face again "yea Igh Karen play with her if you want I'm not gon stop her from beating your ass"Zac said going outside "so you gon let some bitch fight me while I'm pregnant with your baby huh Zac" "Karen gon with allet bullshit man" "you know what fuck you Zachary".

1 hour had pass and Fatima pulled up at Karen spot. Zac saw her car and told Fatima to pop the trunk so he can put his clothes in there. Fatima gets out to try and help Zac with his stuff until Karen came out of nowhere and started to act like a crazy person "so who this Zac one of yo hoes huh did you tell her that I'm carrying yo baby" Karen said folding her arms. Fatima is now feel heated because one she don't know Karen for her to be calling her out her name two from what zac had told me he don't even think the baby his until he get that dna test done. Zac got done putting his stuff in the trunk and walked over to Karen and told her to keep Fatima out if it, it's between him and her " what you say Fatima right?" Karen said squinting her eyes "yea I'm Fatima do I know you?" Fatima asked looking confused " ain't you Andi assistant?" "Oh you Andi best friend" Fatima said finally catching on "yea so you and Zac fucking?" Karen said pointing to fatima then Zac " Karen even if we is that none of your business" To tell the truth fatima didn't want to say no because she been feeling Zac for a long time they spends a lot of time together and she got to know him and he got to know her she knows Zac feeling her but they just living in the moment and it's really nobody business but her and Zac "come on Fatima I'm done with this girl you driving" Zac said as he walked to the car " you can drive Zac my feet hurts" Zac opens Fatima door closed it then walked to the drivers side then they pull off.

Karen runs back in the house and calls Andi. Andi picks up on the first ring "hello" Andi said as she in her office typing on the computer "Andi tell me you didn't know" " Karen what are you talking about" Andi said as she stop typing to see what the fuck Karen is talking about "how in the fucking does Fatima your assistant knows Zac Andi" " Karen I don't know what your talking about what you mean she knows Zac and how does you know that" Andi said " because me and Zac got into an argument this morning and he broke up with me then called someone and that fucking someone was fucking Fatima I asked that bitch is she fucking him and the hoe told me nun of my business" Karen said getting herself all riled up again " Karen hold up let me call Fatima and see what is going on" the called end

                      [Zac n Fatima care]

When they pulled off the ride was quite for about 10 minutes until fatima decided to break the silence " Zac " Fatima said with her eyes close and seat layed back "Wsp" "are you ok" Fatima said finally opening her eyes " I'll be fine I'm just tired of every woman coming into my life and just tear me down my whole life been like this I've never once had a female ask me am I ok until now and to be honest Fatima I don't want to lose you as a frie-" and before he finish that Fatima said "you won't lose me as a friend Zac but maybe you can gain me as a girlfriend" and before Zac could respond Fatima phone stated to ring. Fatima looked at it and it was Andi "hey Andi" Fatima said knowing what this conversation is about to be about "Fatima what is going on are you with Zac right now" " yes I am and no I didn't know Zac was with Karen and no I didn't sleep with Zac but we are starting a bond a bond that I really like I will feel you in later but I have to go Andi" "ok tonight over drinks at 9:30 and bring Zac ok" "ok bye"  They hung up "so what did Andi wants" "she want to meet with me and you tonight over drinks" "ok we can do that" Zac said nodding his head " what time you have work" "at 1:30 why Wsp" Zac said "because I was thinking since I was getting off at 8:15 and you get off at 8 you can take my car and you can pick me up when I get off" "ok that sound like a plan" Zac pulled up to Fatima job and Fatima hand him the key to her place and kiss him on the cheek then head inside the building. Zac went to Fatima house until it was time to go to work


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