"Where are we going?" Asked Quackity.

"Away from here." Said George. "We can get out."

"We can run away." Said Quackity.

They sped up and ran through the ballroom, shoving people out of their way as they went. Then they ran out through the hallway, their footsteps echoing as they loudly ran along the marble floors. Behind them they could hear a loud commotion. But just ahead of them they could see the front steps. They pushed past the guards and legged it down the steps.

"We're so close." Said George.

"We can finally get out of here." Said Quackity.

"No more abuse." Said George. "No more hiding things. We can be free."

Neither of them stopped as they made it down the gravel track. As they got to the end they slowed down. They'd lost the guards long ago.

"We're never gonna have to see her again." Said Quackity as they stood in front of the gates.

"Good riddance to the bitch." Said George.

Just then there were twelve loud chimes.

"Happy birthday." Said Quackity.

George just smiled. Together they stepped through the gates. 

"Where now?" Said Quackity.

"See wherever it takes us." Said George.

They started walking along the side of the road. Both of them were still out of breathe. But then a cart full of hay traveled past them. The two ran up to it and jumped on. 

"You sleep." Said George. "I'll watch."

"Are you sure?" Asked Quackity.

"Yes." Said George. "You look so much more tired than me."

Quackity laid back into the hay and he almost instantly fell asleep. George looked up at the starry sky. Without even thinking about it he pulled out his necklace and started fiddling with it.

A few hours later he felt tugging on his arm. He looked over and saw Quackity sitting up.

"Hey, you can sleep now." Said Quackity. "I'll make sure we don't get seen."

"No, it's fine." Said George. "I don't need sleep."

"Yes you do." Said Quackity. "Wait, why've you got your necklace out?"

"We don't need to hide it anymore." Said George. "Mom was always desperate for us to hide them, she can't control us anymore."

"Why do you think she was desperate?" Asked Quackity.

"I'm not sure." Said George. "Boys don't usually have necklaces, maybe that's why. Or because dad's ill. He gave them to us. It might have hurt seeing them."

"Dad has been ill for as long as I can remember." Said Quackity.

"He's dying." Said George. "I heard the doctors talking about it. He was never going to recover, his body's giving up. Only got a few months, mom won't even tell him that we're missing."

"Oh." Said Quackity.

"I wish it was dad's kingdom. Then we could inherit it and get rid of mom." Said George.

"You mean you." Said Quackity. "Stop trying to spare my feelings. I've always known that I don't get the kingdom and that's fine by me. Now sleep. You look like you're about to pass out."

"Alright, alright." Said George.

He yawned as he laid back on the hay. Quackity hung his legs off of the side of the cart and swung them back and forth. He brushed some hair out of his face and realised that he was covered in hay. He shook his head and various bits of hay fell out, then he combed his hands through his hair and pulled out the rest of it. 

In the distance he could see lights. It looked like a small village. And just above it he could see the moon. Unconsciously he pulled out his necklace and twirled it around his fingers. The sky was slowly turning blue. Quackity turned around to watch the sun rise. Around it the sky was deep shades of red and orange. He stopped messing with his necklace and tucked it under his shirt again. But then as he sat there, the cart turned into a field. He quickly shook George to wake him up.

"We've got to go." Said Quackity.

George nodded. Together the two jumped down from the cart. They both then brushed the hay off of themselves.

"Where now?" Said Quackity. 

"Let's just follow the road." Said George. "Maybe walk on the other side of the road though where there's no fence."

They walked back onto the road and walked on the grass.

"Wait, we're in another land now, aren't we?" Said George.

"Yeah." Said Quackity, not being able to stop himself from smiling.

As the road turned they continued walking through a field. Not far off they could hear noise. They climbed over a turnstile into another field. Through the field their was a path made of trodden down grass. They walked along it until they were near to the road. But then saw a small group of people near a tree. Two people were sat under a tree, one was playing guitar while the other tapped along. And there was a blonde child running around. Then someone else walked up. They grabbed the child's hand and walked off with one of the two from under the tree. The one playing guitar waved and then continued playing.

But then they stopped playing. Somewhere behind them Quackity and George could hear rumbling. Quackity looked behind them and he immediately grabbed George's hand and started running. 

"They found us." Said Quackity.

"Those aren't royal guards." Said George. "We're being hunted."

They ran, but soon they were caught up. People in dark armour on horses surrounded them as they ran. And then it all happened so quick. Before either of them could react someone on a horse grabbed George and pulled him up, managing to quickly pull out a knife and hold it to his throat while still controlling the horse. Then the group rushed off, having one of the two princes.

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