Chapter 3: Sudden Appearances

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Shielding his eyes from the smoke issuing out from the trees Carlos could still smell the hard scent of smoke in the air, and he could hear a light crackling somewhere deeper in the woods.

The tree was black with smoke, and when Carlos pushed the underbrush away with his hands the leaves fell away as ash. Making his way into the clearing Carlos could now clearly see the large crater in the middle of the forest.

He noticed a small glint of light coming from the middle of the crater, but it was too far away to see exactly what the thing was. Carlos cautiously stepped toward the edge of the crater, and lowered myself over the edge. He slowly progressed through the crater and made his way slowly toward the center.

Once Carlos reached the center he brushed the ground looking for the shiny object he had spotted earlier. Unexpectedly his hands brushed against something hard and Carlos grabbed it in his hand. He pulled out of the ground what seemed to be a small elegant ring.

Even though all of its surrounding was covered with ash and smoke the ring’s band was a sparkling golden color, the center of the ring had a dark red slab of granite, and in the center of the granite was what looked like a gladiator engraved into it.

Carlos rolled the ring around in the palm of my hand still inspecting it. The thing that surprised him most was that even though the ring was literally in the center of a large lightning shock field it was still cool to the touch.

Looking closer at the ring Carlos noticed how nice of a ring it was, he slipped the ring easily onto his right ring finger. When the ring slipped into place all of Carlos’ body functions seemed to lose control. He convulsed on the ground trying to pry the ring off his finger, but his hands would cooperate. Finally with a sudden burst of pain everything went black.

When Carlos opened his eyes he could see a faint glowing light piercing the suffocating darkness that now surrounded him. Carlos walked in the direction of the light, and when he got closer he could see four doors in front of him.

The doors were four separate colors red, blue, brown, and white. Carlos stared at the doors with interest, debating with himself weather or not he should take the unknown risk of actually opening on of them.

Looking at the doors Carlos felt his eyes were drawn toward the red door more often than the other three, and it may have been his imagination, but the red door seemed to be glowing brighter than the other doors currently were.

Carlos tentatively reached out and twisted the knob. Without warning a mass of flames spewed out of the door.

Carlos jumped back trying to put out the flames that were crawling up his arms and legs, but he stopped when he realized the flames weren’t burning his skin.

Carlos watched the flames in a trance as they danced across his arms, and he was still utterly shocked that he still wasn’t feeling a thing. Suddenly all the flames left his body in a swirling mass of wind, Carlos gazed at the floating flames in wonderment.

Before Carlos could even shout out in surprise the flames shot toward him, and inside his body. That’s when Carlos felt the unbearable burn coursing through his body.

Carlos scratched at his skin trying to get rid of the flames, but all his efforts were futile. The flames worked itself up his body until it seemed to reach his eyes where he could see the faint flickering of light of the fire.

“AHH!” Carlos woke up with a start still slapping at his body. When Carlos realized there was no longer any pain he looked around at my surrounding.

He was still lying in the center of the large crater where he had found the ring. What just happened? Was it all a hallucination? Or was it just some crazy dream?

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