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Inside the palace, the floors, walls, and, steep ceilings are all clean-cut polished stone. A servant with a blue feathered cap comes sweeping up to us. With a deep bow, they pass me and dash to Portia's side.

Portia: "Chamberlain. How are we doing on time?"

Chamberlain: " Terribly late! The fifth course is over! Her ladyship is in a most unhappy state!

Portia chews her lip and hands the servant.

Portia: "Have sommelier fetch a bottle of the Golden Goose."

The servant departs at a hasty clip, disappearing behind a panel in the wall which slides seamless shut.

Portia: "Too bad. I'll escort you directly to the dining room."

Dining room? Was I to dine with the Countess? I hasten to keep up with her purposeful strides. Soon we are standing before a fine mahogany door. Portia opens the door,leading me inside. Rich scents linger in the air, unfamiliar and tantalizing.

Nadia: "Ah mc. Welcome to the palace." "Have a seat. You're too late for dinner, I'm afraid."

She brings her glass to her lips and drinks deeply. Portia leads me to my seat. Another servant removes what might have been my plate.

Nadia: "I was beginning to think you had forgotten my invitation." "But... Perhaps you are simply unaccustomed to travel." "You look exhausted. Why, I can see your cheeks gleaming from here."

The Countess downs her glass, and Portia appears at her side with a bottle enrobed in shimmering foil.

Nadia: "Ah, postia, how thoughtful of you."

Portia: "My pleasure, milady"

Portia fills both of are glasses, and the Countess takes a sip of hers.

Nadia: "A Golden Goose? A marvelous choice, Portia."

I reach for my glass to cover the awkward moment.... And stop, transfixed by the strange painting before me. The scene is that of a meal shared among a host of figures with the heads of beasts. The table is laden with small animals, provided by a central character with the he'd of a goat. Rays of gold glitter around it's head, and it's read eyes are strikingly lifelike.

Nadia: "Do you like it, mc? The painting."

Mc: "No."

The Countess sets down her glass, watching me with an unfathomable expression.

Nadia: "No? My husband treasured that piece. It was one of his favorites." " Though I suppose her taste were rather strange."

Nadia's husband, count Lucio.... Rather, the late count Lucio.

Nadia: "He's the goat in the middle,of course. Ever the provider." "Lucio had the populace eating out of the palm of his hand. Much like in the painting." " Whatever he offered, the people gobbled it up. They worshipped him."My husband was particularly loved for his yearly masquerade."

She sets her glass down, folding her hands and resting her chin upon them.

Nadia: "Did you ever attend,mc?" "the whole city came alive for the masquerade. Revelry took hold of hearts young and old." " All in celebration of Lucio's birthday. And what a celebration, when he opened the palace gates to all."

The Countess sighs, watching the wine swirl in her glass.

Nadia: "Such a fond memory for many, and now it is shrouded in sorrow. A terrible shock to the guest...." "To find their host murdered so violently at the last masquerade."

The servants lower their eyes and I advert my gaze back to the painting.

Nadia: "My poor husband, burned alive in his own bed..." "And at the celebration of his birthday. What did he do to invite such hatred?" "After such a shocking scene.... Guest to the palace have been scarce."

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