Chapter One - A whole new world

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It was hot in the state of Connecticut. Especially in the town of Gravesfield, where two dozen orphans were spending their annual outdoor trip. Near the centre of the town, all of them walked towards a statue of two figures. The tourist guide waited until the last kid reached the end of the group. A black haired orphan looked at the slower one with a worried look before turning back to the guide.

"This is the town square. Who knows who these two are?" The woman looked around to see a few kids raise their hands. After pointing at the hands in order, the children said their answers one after another.

"George Washington and Benjamin Franklin!"

"Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis?"

"The Wright Brothers."

"Philip and Caleb Wittebane..." One quieter voice said at the end of the group. The same kid who was the slowest of the group. A small, petite woman with red hair, one of the caretakers helped him get closer to the tourist guide.

"That's right! Which one of you was the last one?" She asked before noticing a boy around the age of eleven before her. The boy was a bit too skinny for his age, and he mostly looked like he was in pain. His wrist was red from the caretaker's hold on it as she dragged him there.

"It was m-me..." He said shyly. She didn't take her eyes off of him, but she couldn't decide if out of pity or worry.

"Do you know more about them?"

"I read that... they disappeared after they met a real witch." He took in a deep breath after the sentence. She noticed that this was very uncomfortable for him, so she nodded to ease the situation.

"You're very good. What's your name, dear?" She smiled at him, which made the kid look up at her.

"William... Ma'am." He said, but after that, he retreated to the back of the line with his friend. She shook her head as the fiery headed caretaker grumbled at the tour guide to continue the journey.

"R... Right. If we continue onwards, you'll see the Gravesfield Historical Society! A place where everything from the foundation of this town can be found." She continued nonchalantly. While the group continued, William and the black haired friend were slower than them.

"Will, are you okay? We could go back to the bus, you know..." She tried to help him go faster, letting the blonde put an arm around her shoulders to catch up with the others.

"I'm fine... I don't want you to be left out of the museum, Masha. Go, I'll catch up with you somehow. I know you love the Wittebanes ever since I showed you that pamphlet. Mrs. Caroline must regret that by now..." He chuckled as he fixed the cornflower-blue messenger bag on his shoulder.

"Alright. Just shout if anything happens." The other orphan nodded, poking the blonde in the ribs. William winced and watched as she hurried after the group. He took a deep breath and turned back towards the statue. Slowly walking towards it, he noticed the differences between the brothers after placing his bag on the ground.

The older brother, Caleb, held something resembling a diary or a book to his chest, looking into the distance with a determined gaze. The younger one, Philip, was more collected and holding a parchment scroll. As his eyes stopped examining the stone replicas, he noticed his blue bag being pulled away from him. The culprit was a brown owl with eyes that looked like they were shining.

"Hey! Stop that..!" William shouted with as much as he could with his lung volume, trying to catch up with the little rascal. He followed him for several blocks, and it seemed like the Owl was playing with him. After nearing an abandoned house, he slowed down. Panting, Will found it easier to breathe with each step he took towards the dilapidated shack. Not taking time to find the cause of newfound strength, he followed the bird to the house.

Brother's Blood: A TOH Fanfiction [OC(s)]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя