Chapter 6

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      I'm reading when a knock comes at my door. I put a bookmark in and set the book down next to me, "Come in!"

     Dilara pops her head in and smiles, "Hey there Doll, I'm just coming to grab ya for dinner you haven't eaten much today figured you'd want to join us. Garren fried some chicken and we have mashed potatoes and dinner rolls?"

     I smile and stand to follow, "Sounds great let's go."

     "So what was that book you were reading?"

     "Oh! It was this older book about a dystopian society and an intrusive government. It's always such a good read."

     "Huh, I took you for more of a romantic happy feels type a reader."

     I laugh, "Oh I love romance too, don't get me wrong but I also love horrors and sci fi reads fantasy all the good stuff. I'm just a literary connoisseur if you will."

     "I gotcha, maybe you could lend me some of your favorites?" She asks hopefully.

     "I'd absolutely love to recommend some to you! We can have a book date in the library. I have this whole comfy area set up and we can have snacks and read and listen to music and it would be so fun! Maybe the others would join us too!?"

     The red head grins at me and lets me continue on my ramble about the different ones that we could start with and making an in-home book club as I squeal in excitement as we walk into the kitchen to have a seat.

     "Fellow roommates! Me and Dilara have had an epiphany!"

     "This is all you babydoll tell them about your idea," she encourages at my excitement.

     I grinned and nodded, "I think we should have a book date tomorrow!" I watched as Garren and Raine stare at me like I've grown two heads. I tilt my head and pout at the lack of response, "Come on guys I know I don't usually have good ideas but you don't know that yet!"

     A guffaw from Raine is all I need to keep going, "Tomorrow we're gonna grab some snacks, go to the library and I will give you a book that I think you'll like and we read in the comfy area and enjoy each other's presence." I grinned with Dilara next to me nodding and smiling like I just solved world hunger.

     "Princess, I think that's an amazing idea. We can bake some treats tonight and they'll be ready tomorrow. What were you thinking of for snacks?"

     I giggle and lean forward and grab Raine's hands, "So I'm thinking some classic tea party type shit, ya know? Cookies, macaroons, sandwiches, maybe those tiny cake things?"

     "Tarts? Like mini ones?" They offered and I couldn't hold back the excited noise that erupted out of me.

     "Perfect! We can have tea if we want; I personally like coffee but there's another coffee bar in there with everything we need and we can break for lunch and make whatever I have some ramen or mac and cheese bowls if we don't want to cook or prepare anything. This is so exciting!"

     I lean back to start eating as the Dilara and Raine dive into a conversation, I can't help the smile growing wider on my face and I can't help it when it falters when I look at Garren who is watching me with those unnerving and curious green eyes. I send him a small smile and eat while listening to Raine and Dilara debate about if cookies or cupcakes were better? However that came to happen

     I laugh under my breath and spare another glance at the dragon on my right, "You can come talk to me after dinner okay? I'll do my best to explain then," I say this quietly so as to not alert the other two to the tension, "This is really good Garren you definitely downplayed your skills in the kitchen," I beamed at him.

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