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It's been two months since Hope Swan-Jones was born, yet Killian is still mesmerized by her impossible beauty. Those dazzling, big blue eyes gazing up at him, her bright, gummy smile, her chubby cheeks. Mesmerized but not shocked. She gets her looks from her mother after all. Today, Hope is wearing her pink baby bonnet and a lacy frock adorned with a silk bow at the neckline that her mother had sewn. The color matches the stockings Emma still wears with her dresses.

He could hold Hope forever, his sweet baby girl cute and tiny and soft, snuggled up against his chest with her hand tightly wrapped around his finger as he gently rocks her in his arms. He's weak when it comes to his baby girl, and he often wonders how such a tiny little being has so much power over him, a grown-ass man. From the outside, it may look like he has her wrapped around his finger, but in truth, it's entirely the other way around.

He lowers his head to drop a gentle kiss on her head.

She's so precious to him, just as her mother is, and he'd do anything for his two beauties. Their smiles are infectious, and his face hurts from smiling so much. That's how happy they both have made him.

Jolly is roaming around the yard as Killian looks around, taking stock of everything he has been blessed with since Emma entered his life. He may have lost his job and cottage back in Misthaven but all of that was nothing compared to what he has gained in return. Now he has Emma all to himself instead of having to watch her leave him every day and return to another man who couldn't even bother to make sure she was happy. He gets to sleep with her in their bed, wakes up next to her every morning and holds her in his arms. He may have to leave for work early but he does so, knowing he'll get to return to his darling fiancé and adorable baby girl and the life they've made together. And yes, he replaced the stem ring he gave her a year ago with a real one. They may not be able to get married yet but that doesn't mean he can't think of her as his wife. She and Hope are his family.

His home.

And he'd do anything for them.

He's not even sure how he'd left Emma and didn't see her for those two months she was in Venice. They were the worst two months of his life, and that's saying a lot since he's been to war. But when she fled from London after he'd been sacked and wanted to leave with him right there and then, all he could do was hear Mary Margaret's words in his head.

"Mr. Jones, how do you expect to take care of her and the child once you've lost your job? Do you actually believe you can give them both a chance at happiness?"

He didn't think he could at the time, given the circumstances. He had nothing. And Emma and their child deserved so much better than what he had to offer. He had all of his love to give, yes, but he wanted to give them so much more than that. He still does. He wants to give them the entire world. Because they're his world. They're his everything.

After a while, Hope stirs in his arms restlessly, and the high-pitched wail that pours from her mouth makes his heart crack into a million pieces. He hates when she has anything but a smile on her face.

Jolly is sitting in the grass as she looks at the crying baby with concern. She rises and strides over to make sure Hope is okay. She adores Hope and is very protective of her.

"It's okay, princess," Killian coos to his baby girl, gently rubbing her small back and swaying her softly. "Mum's just inside to feed you." He stands from his chair and carries her into the house, Jolly following behind him.

The kettle is singing by the fire, the sun streaming into the windows as Emma places two cups on the table. Hearing the soft cries from their daughter, she turns around and comes over to them, scooping the wee baby into her arms and kissing Killian on the lips.

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