Part 2: chapter 17

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I was still finishing up my seventh year class when Sebastian poked his head in the doorway. He was clearly out of breath from running.

Lucan who was in this class followed my eyes and turned around to look. He smiled when he saw Sebastian and waved.

I silently made a gesture with my head for Sebastian to go up to my office while I finished going over how the final next week would go. As he walked up the stair the students all started with the 'ooos' and kissy sounds.

Sebastian was struggling to hide a smile. But that struggle ended, along with the students teasing when I smacked my wand on a near by desk, scaring all the students back to attention.

"Guys," I said softly, "this is an important final. Once you all finish school and go out into the real world I or any other professor will most likely not be there to help you." I made sure everyone was looking at me, "if you guys, and forgive my language, fuck up Bombarda Maxima, the school  burns down and I loose my new job. So please practice bombarda alone over winter break. And it better be on pumpkins or I don't old bags of flower? What do you British kids play with?"

"Can I try it on a sheep?" A random Gryffindor asked.

"I'm not even answering that."

"Us British kids usually just drink tea all day," Edward teased making the class laugh.

"You guys are my worst class. And I know it's because I knew you all as a student. If you need a safe place to practice come see me. If I get a single comment from any teacher about you guys doing either bombarda or bombarda maxima on school grounds I personally will kick your asses. Class is done."

I hurried into the office where Sebastian was sitting in my chair waiting. He was already reading Ominis's letter that I had left out for him to read.

"You are a scary teacher." He teased.

"Only to them. You got my letter?"

"I did. You saw Marvolo here? At the school?" He stood up as I walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around my sides. "And you haven't had an. Encounter with ancient magic like that in a while. Are you feeling okay?"

"I feel fine, but He came to get Ominis on our last day. He said something about working with their family?"

I wasn't even aware dark wizards had real jobs.

"They are politicians. Trying to make the British ministry of magic pure blood only." Sebastian explained to me.

"We have to go get him." I mumbled.

"We will. Is Poppy here yet?"

"I got her letter right before class started the soonest she can get here is in a few days. So can I trust you to sit put until all three of us can go?"

Sebastian groaned but didn't protest. "Fine.." he was quiet for a moment before he spoke up again, "You are always beautiful but lately you have been really really Beautiful."

I giggled pulling back from him, "thank you, but really weird time."

"I know. You've just been so busy I didn't have a chance to tell you."

"I do try to be 'really really' beautiful for you." I teased as Sebastian leaned down and kissed my lips.

"I sure hope it's for me." He teased back.

"I have to grade some stuff before going home. Do you want to go on ahead or do you want to wait?"

Sebastian smiled, "I'll wait, how about I go to the kitchen, get us a snack and then I'll help you grade so it goes faster."

"Thank you, Sebastian."

"Anything for you, my love."


"Ava," Sebastian's voice called waking me up in bed, "can you get Anne and Eleazar? I'm kinda afraid to walk away from what I'm cooking. I may have reached a little to close to the sun."

Confused I got up and walked into the kitchen, "Anne and Eleazar?" I asked confused.

"Yes, love. They are in their room. Which by the way, maybe we should enchant one more room. I know if I had had the chance I would not have wanted to share a room with my sister."

Even more confused I walked into a door I hadn't see in our house before and inside was a small bed and a crib.

"Mum~" The older boy groaned. "Anne keeps taking my things so I put her in her crib" the boy looked like how I imagined Sebastian looked at a first year. Freckles and all. "When can I have my own room? I'm starting school next year I wanna be able tO have my own room." The boy noticed I didn't say anything, mainly because I was too busy looking around the too for this kids mom. "Mum? Are you okay?"

"Me?" I finally asked.

The kid sat there for a second before calling out. "Daaad, mum's acting weird again."

Sebastian's hands touched my shoulders softly, "you okay, love? I'll talk to her, Eleazar. But please be nicer to your sister."

Sebastian pulled me into the kitchen again and chekced over my face, "maybe you did hit your head Just a tad too hard during that fight, yeah?"

"My head? Where did the kids come from?" As Sebastian was this close to me I finally able to see how much older he looked. One or two grey hair sprinkled through out his brown messy hair. He looked a lot more mature then he did five minutes ago in my classroom. He looked... really hot.

"We should take you to the doc tomorrow. You are having serious memory problems if yo don't recognize your own children."

"My what?!" I began to yell before I was shaken awake.

Sebastian, back to being the age I remember him at was trying not to laugh while hiding a tray of food. "You really fell asleep grading papers?"

I looked around the room quickly. "I... I Did."

"Good dream?" He placed the try down o my desk showing me the waffles he brought me.

"We had kids." I muttered, taking my plate. It took me a moment to realize Sebastian had froze looking at me as his face turned bright red.


I started turning red also realizing I had just told him what I dreamed about. "Yeah? You don't want kids one day?"

"I do! And especially with you. But... I just forget we are adults now."

"Well 19." I corrected.

"Still. We could totally just run away and get married."

My turn to freeze. "Marriage?"

"Kids you're okay with but you freeze at marriage?"

I blushed and angrily cut my waffles, "I never thought I'd get married to be honest."

"Even after you met me?" He smiled. "I knew I wanted to marry you from the moment you walked into the great hall in our fifth year."

My face felt so hot suddenly, "oh shush. Eat your food so we can work."

Sebastian sat in the chair across from me smuggly as he ate. "I love you, Ava. And our imagination children." He teased at the end making me throw a perfectly good piece of waffle at him. "And since you threw your forbidden waffle at me I know you love me too."

"Let's just focus." I felt Sebastian rub my leg with his under the desk while he gave me a dark and very horny smile from across the table.

"Try your best."


Extra little silly goofy mood chapter

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